Modified words Flashcards
Thanks to Internet technology, companies can hold teleconferences with their agents and customers around the world without leaving the office.
Rather confusingly, something that is biweekly occurs twice a week or once every two weeks
(e.g., A biweekly newsletter). Something that is bimonthly occurs twice a month or once every two
months (e.g., a bimonthly meeting).
Something that is biannual occurs twice a year, something that is biennial occurs once every two years
The conference is a biannual event, and usually takes place in March and September.
Email and social networking websites have transformed the way people communicate.
Established or decided in advance: Unfortunately, the project team exceeded its predetermined level of spending, and had to borrow more money.
Semi-final (this can also be written as one word, semifinal, or two words, semi final)
Despite being knocked out of the World Cup in the semi-final, there was a great sense of elation, and the certainty that we would go all the way the next time.
Only a small percentage of students who do a university degree go on to do postgraduate studies.
People enjoy their jobs much more if they get on with their co-workers.
micro-organisms (this can also be written as one word, microorganisms, or two words, micro organisms)
If you knew about all the potentially dangerous micro-organisms that live on an average dishcloth, you would probably never use one again!
Unisex fragrances (a pleasant, sweet smell) are believed to be a modern invention, but a century ago all perfumes were for men and women alike, and people just chose the one they liked the most.
If you feel that you have received substandard (below the usual or required standard) service, you should complain to the manager or most senior employee immediately rather than wait until later.
In 1929, the Graf Zeppelin became the first airship to circumnavigate (sail or travel all the way around (something, especially the world)) the world.
Astronauts (a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft; Spaceman)started living on the international Space Station in 2000.
I have two dictionaries: an English-French one, and a monolingual (speaking only one language) English one.
I was an underachiever at school, always getting low grades in tests and poor marks in my homework.
The city is so overpopulated (having an excessively large population) that it is almost impossible to find anywhere to live.
Be greater in number or size than (a quantity, number, or other measurable thing): Unfortunately, the project team exceeded its predetermined level of spending, and had to borrow more money.
Be greater in number or size than (a quantity, number, or other measurable thing): Unfortunately, the project team exceeded its predetermined level of spending, and had to borrow more money.
Great happiness and exhilaration: Despite being knocked out of the World Cup in the semi-final, there was a great sense of elation, and the certainty that we would go all the way the next time.
Microwaves work by passing electricity through food rather than by heating it.
The late twentieth century saw enormous advances in telecommunications, with the development of the Internet being of particular importance.
In 1986, against everybody else’s wishes, the ruling government made the unilateral (performed by or affecting only one person, group, or country involved in a particular situation, without the agreement of another or the others) decision o close half the country’s coal mines.
The suburbs consist of nothing but mile after mile of semi-detached ((of a house) joined to another house on one side only by a common wall) houses and apartment blocks.
On long-distance flights, the aircraft is flown by autopilot most of the time, with the real pilots only assuming occasional control.
I speak English and Spanish, but my Spanish is quite limited, so unfortunately I wouldn’t say I’m bilingual (speaking two languages fluently).
Find a way around (an obstacle); Avoid- Get around- Find a way around- Evade- Get past- Bypass: There are strict laws against advertising tobacco products, but with a bit of imagination, many of these can be easily circumvented.
this can also be written as one word, postwar
A lot of the city was destroyed during the war, so during the immediate post-war years, the government embarked (Start- Begin- Start up- Commence) on a massive reconstruction program.
I think I passed my exams, but it would be premature (
occurring or done before the usual or proper time; too early) to say that I’ve done well in all of them.
A third of the children were found to be overweight as a result of a high-fat, high-sugar diet.
It is believed that many people who dislike water have a subconscious (of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings) fear of drowning (die through submersion in and inhalation of water).
we can also write this co-educational
Most of the schools in my country are coeducational, although there are a few boy-only and girl-only institutions.
We ran out of money because we had underestimated how much the trip would cost.
note that Atlantic does not begin with a capital letter in this word, but would need to when used on its own
The aviator (a pilot) Charles Lindbergh made the first solo transatlantic flight in 1927.
The way in which each of two or more things is related to the other or others: Part of our course was to study the interrelationship between stress and illness, and especially to what extent one resulted in the other.
A continuing sound, especially of a person’s voice, that is unchanging in pitch and without intonation: He knew a lot about his subject, but he spoke in such a dull monotone that his students would often fall asleep.