Generalizations & specifics Flashcards
An individual feature, fact, or item.
Small items of information are very important in a curriculum vitae. You should include full details of your past experience.
Clearly defined or identified; Specified- Certain- Fixed- Set- Determined: I need to have precise information about your new proposals. Please let me have the specifics as soon as possible.
A point of law or a small detail of a set of rules: The plan was unable to go ahead because of a small important detail which is important in order to make something happen. It’s very frustrating when a minor technicality puts a stop to your plans.
the small, precise, or trivial details of something; Details- Technicalities: He demanded to know the small, precise and sometimes unimportant details. As far as he was concerned, the minutiae could not be overlooked.
The substance or essence of a speech or text; Main Idea- Summary- Short- Epitome- Abstract- Synopsis:
When you read a piece of text in the exam, you should read it quickly first to get the general idea. Once you have the gist, it should be easier to understand it.
Before you write an essay, you should plan it first and give a broad description without giving
much detail. Once you have an outline, you will discover that your work is easier to organize.
An odd or unusual feature or habit; Strangeness: Odd features or details which make something different make the world a more interesting place. For example, it is one of the peculiarities of the British system that judges and lawyers wear wigs ( a covering for the head made of real or artificial hair, typically worn by people for adornment or by people trying to conceal their baldness or in England by judges and barristers in courts of law.) in court.
A general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases: Saying that all young people spend too much time on the Internet is a bit of a general statement. We must be careful not to make this kind of generalization.
A feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify it; Specification- Attribute- Feature- Quality- Essential- Quality- Trait: Many cars have very similar typical features. Most manufacturers are aware that these characteristics are what help sell their product
A picture illustrating a book, newspaper; Image- Picture- Figure: The huge rise in computer sales is a good example of the direction in which technology is heading. It also provides us with an accurate illustration of the advances we have made in the last 20 years
Normally, most students sitting the exam manage to pass with a good grade.
In general, the average result is a B or C.
Be a typical example of; Symbolize- Typify- Epitomize- Be a typical example of- Serve as a typical example of:
The new library shows a good example of British architecture at its best. It exemplifies the style that is becoming increasingly popular with town planners.
Present as a list of individual items; Analyse- Break down- Split up: Before you travel somewhere, it is important to make a detailed list of things that you need to take. Itemize everything in order of importance, beginning with your passport and visa.
A mixture of various ingredients or elements; Combination- Mixture: French fries with mayonnaise is a dish which is an odd feature or detail of Belgian cuisine. In the same way, kimchii is a concoction of cabbage, chilli and garlic which is peculiar to Korea
Verb Provide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures; Show- Demonstrate- Display- Represent- Indicate: The article shows as an example his views on the way the company should develop. It illustrates his preference for increased automation.