Technology Flashcards
Banning mobile phones in Public areas
Most public areas have free phones that can be used in case of emergency.
The state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people: Mobile phones can be used to take photos and videos and so violate (to act against something that should be treated with respect) other people’s privacy.
Take part or intervene in an activity without invitation or necessity; Intrude into: In hospitals and airplanes, they can interfere with sensitive equipment.
A thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else; Interruption: They are a permanent distraction when they are allowed in the classroom.
To be on the verge of (to be at the point where something is about to happen)
An edge or border: As public phone booths seem to be on verge of extinction, it would be irresponsible to ban mobile phone use.
A serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action; Urgent situation: Mobile phones save lives as emergency services can easily locate you when you call.
Designated (places set aside for a particular purpose)
Verb Appoint (someone) to a specified position; Determine- Nominate: Instead of imposing a ban, it would be more practical to have designated areas for cell phone users.
Reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on; Limit- Cut down- Lessen- Diminish: Many people think that a ban would curtail their personal freedom.
The action of inventing something, typically a process or device; Innovation- Creation: Cell phones are a relatively recent invention and people just need a little more time too learn how to use them properly in public.
Technology has helped people become more social
Everyone can easily belong to multiple online communities.
Certain apps enable families and friends in different corners of the world to chat for free 24/7.
Formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution); Eradicate- Eliminate: Communication technologies abolish distances and enable everyone to connect around the globe.
Build up
A gradual accumulation or increase: Through social media, anyone can build up a network of like-minded people.
Many people have been able to reconnect with long-lost friends through social networking site.
End up
Many people end up spending more time onscreen than in face-to-face interaction.
Cut off
When in companies, people cut themselves off from their surroundings (all around a particular place or thing) and prioritize phone calls and messages.
Verb Spread (something, especially information) widely; Publish- Distribute: It is easy to disseminate false information online in order to ruin someone's reputation.
Verb Reduce (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse, or disintegration; Devastate: It is easy to disseminate false information online in order to ruin someone's reputation.
the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something; Renown- Popularity- Credit: It is easy to disseminate false information online in order to ruin someone’s reputation.
A thing that serves to cover, conceal, or disguise; Covering: Under the veil of anonymity, many people in chat rooms and discussion boards easily become offensive.
The gap between old and young has widened due to technology
Most schools teach computer skills, whereas older people have to start learning from scratch (the starting point in a handicap for a competitor receiving no odds).
The quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate; relation- Correlation: The relevance of new technology is not quite obvious if you have lived happily without a PC or mobile phone for forty years.
Make or become wider; Broaden- Expand- Extend: As parents and children spend more time onscreen and less with each other, the generation gap widen.
Make or become stronger; Reinforce: Family bonds are strengthen when children teach their parents and grandparents how to use new technology.
Many elderly people wish to keep on learning.
Mobile phones and social media make it easier to grandparents to keep in touch with their children and grandchildren.
Pass down
Technological skills and knowledge have always been passed down from on generation to the next.
opposite of impede (delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder)
Encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good).
Develop- Encourage- Promote- bring up: Parents and children can play video games together, which fosters family bonding.
Mankind is now dependent on modern technology
‘What is your wo-fi password?’ is one of the first questions people ask when they visit you.
A process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances; detoxification: Digital detox holidays are growing in popularity.
The greater number; Major part- Great part: For the majority of people, the issue is not dependency on modern technology but access to it.
A state of confusion; Disorderliness- Disarray- Chaos: Internet addiction is now recognized as a mental disorder.
A dependent or subordinate thing, especially a country or province controlled by another: Wishing to live with the times is not the same as dependency.
Less than half of the world’s population use the Internet.
Many people have found ways to increase face-to-face time with family and friends.
people look at you strangely if you ask for directions in town of for a wake-up call at a hotel.
We drive everywhere, so walking and cycling have become hobbies or sports.
We tend to rely on technology more than before, but this does not mean that we cannot live without it.
Technology increases the gap between rich and poor
Increasing automation in manufacturing means many workers lose their jobs while factory owners increase profits.
A very powerful and influential nation (used especially with reference to the US and the former Soviet Union when these were perceived as the two most powerful nations in the world): Thanks to technology, countries that were still underdeveloped half a century ago are now among the world’s superpower.
The flying or operating of aircraft: Advances in aviation technology have made travelling by air much more affordable.
In countries without landline communications, mobile phones provide access to jobs, education and healthcare.
Advances in agricultural technology have improved the health and standard of living of people in developing countries.
The internet is mankind’s most important invention
It enables people around the globe to communicate in writing and speaking in real time.
Information can be disseminated faster than ever before.
Thanks to Internet, universal access to education will soon be a reality (actuality).
The invention of the telephone, the light-bulb and the computer made the Internet possible.
Only about half of the world’s population has access to the Internet.
Form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence; Think- Contemplate: It was invented only three decades ago, so we can only speculate about its future impact.
Without the wheel, it is unlikely that mankind would ever have reached an advanced stage of technological development.
It is the first invention that turned our planet into a global village.
develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form; Develop- Make progress- Move forward: It is hard to imagine how our civilization would have evolved without the engine.