Presenting an argument Flashcards
However/ But
These days, it is very common for young people to take time off studying between school and university. Many of them go travelling, and spend a year or longer visiting interesting and exotic places. However, is it better to do this, or to continue studying without a break?
First of all / Firstly
First of all / Firstly, there are several benefits to taking time off to travel.
As well as / In addition to
As well as / In addition to meeting lots of interesting people, you can also experience cultures that are very different from your own.
I believe / I think
I believe / I think that first-hand knowledge and
experience of the world around you early in life are useful things to have.
Moreover / Furthermore,
Moreover / Furthermore, you learn to look after yourself in different and often difficult situations.
Although / While
As well/ Also
Although / While few people have serious problems when they travel, you will occasionally encounter situations where you need to think and act quickly without having friends or family to turn to. Unfortunately, travelling has its disadvantages as well, such as homesickness and culture shock.
Despite / Nevertheless
Nevertheless, these inconveniences are an inevitable
part of travelling and are greatly outweighed by the advantages.
The most
important reason / The main reason,
The most important reason / The main reason for going straight to university after school is the fact that the sooner you get qualifications, the quicker you can get a job and start earning.
As far as I am concerned / For me,
As far as I am concerned / For me, starting work and making money is one of the most important things in life. I am not alone in this opinion.
Many consider / Many say
Many consider a sound career and a good salary to be one of life’s most important goals.
Secondly / Second
Secondly, if you go straight to university, you learn so many things that will help you in your future life.
Eventually / Finally
Finally, going straight to university from school means that you maintain a momentum that you might lose if you go travelling.
In other words/ I mean
In other words, you remain focused on studying.
In conclusion / To summarize
In conclusion / To summarize, I would say that spending a year travelling between school and
university has its advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand/ To begin
On the one hand, you are seeing something of the world.
On the other hand/ After that
On the other hand, you are delaying your education and career.
In my opinion/ I opinion that
In my opinion, it is better to carry on with your studies, and leave the travelling until later.