Obligation & option Flashcards
During the exam, a pencil and eraser are required.
The people organizing the exam will provide you with a pencil and an eraser.
False (you must take your own pencil and eraser)
Parents can be made liable for their children’s debts.
Parents may be legally responsible for the money their children owe. True
He was obliged to pay back the money that he had won.
He had the choice whether or not to pay back the money that he had won.
False (he had to pay the money back),
Students doing holiday jobs are exempt from paying income tax.
Students doing holiday jobs pay a smaller amount of income tax than other people.
False (they don’t have to pay any income tax at all)
The United Nations voted to impose mandatory sanctions on the country.
The United Nations imposed legally-binding sanctions which had to be obeyed by everyone,
without exception.
Some companies force their employees to work long hours for low pay.
A lot of companies ask their employees to work long hours.
False (the companies make them work long hours: the employees have no choice)
It was an emergency and she pressed the red button; there was no alternative.
There was nothing else she could do; she had to set off the alarm by pressing the red button.
Classes on Wednesday afternoons are optional.
It is necessary to attend classes on Wednesday afternoons.
False (you can attend the classes if you want to)
It is compulsory to wear a crash helmet on a motorcycle.
It is your choice whether or not to wear a crash helmet when you ride a motorcycle.
False (you must wear a crash helmet. We can also use the word obligatory)
The museum is asking visitors for a voluntary donation of £2.
You don’t need to pay £2 to visit the museum.
Visitors to the country are Obliged / required to declare any excess (an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable; Surplus- Surfeit) tobacco or alcohol imports to the customs officer.
No alternative
I’m afraid I have no alternative but to resign from the committee.
Liable for
If you are caught speeding, you will be liable for the payment of the fine.
Attendance at all classes is compulsory, otherwise you may not get a certificate at the end of the course.
Many retired people do voluntary work in their local community.
In some countries, there is a mandatory death sentence for all drug traffickers.
For visitors to Britain from outside the European Union, a visa may be required.
I hate it when people try to force me to do something I don’t like.
Most new cars come with optional air-conditioning.
Children’s clothes are exempt from VAT.