Sport & exercise Flashcards
International sports events
Verb Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative; Stimulate- Motivate- Cause: Highly publicized events often inspire people to take part in sport regularly.
Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something; Positiveness: They spread good cheer and optimism, which can give the economy a boost.
The focus of public attention; Public attention: The host country is in the limelight and can enhance its image.
Increased tourism and infrastructure development benefit the host nation.
Raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system); Incite: Mega sports events attract a large number of foreign visitors, which promotes retail trade and stimulate the economy.
The money spent on state-of-the-art stadiums and arenas would be better spent on education and health services.
become subject to (something unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one’s own behavior or actions; cause: Hosting events like the World Cup may result in the country incurring huge debts.
Slip bakc
After being the focus of the world for a few weeks, places where the events were held soon slip back into anonymity.
Draw crowd
Events which draw huge crowds are often potential targets for a terrorist attack.
Lose or cause to lose luster, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture; Darken- Deteriorate: If the events is not well organized, the image of the host nation abroad will be tarnished.
Take part in a/ do/ engage in a/ play a sport
Clean up/ enhance/ improve one’s image
Improve/ revive/ kick-start/ stimulate/ strengthen the economy
Hold/ host/ stage/ organize an event
Amass/ have/ incur/ run up debts
Attract/ draw/ pull in crowds
Dangerous sports should be banned
Extreme sports get far too much publicity compared with safe sports that can help us maintain and improve our health.
A reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things; Adventurer: The true spirit of sport is to motivate all people to participate, not just a tiny minority of daredevils.
A sudden quick movement toward something, typically by a number of people: Sustaining a lifelong injury is too high a price to pay for a brief adrenaline rush.
A useful or valuable thing, person, or quality: Our health is our greatest asset, so sports that put it at risk should not be allowed.
A feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment; Happiness- Delight: It is selfish to risk one’s life for pleasure.
All sports are potentially dangerous, including some of the most popular ones.
Better coaching, stricter rules and enhanced sports equipment will greatly reduce the risk of injury.
Many more deaths are caused by road accidents than by playing sports, yet nobody would consider banning driving.
Extreme sports give people the opportunity to challenge themselves physically and psychologically.
Connect (someone or something) with something else in one’s mind; Link- Relate: Most people who take up a sport are aware of the risks associated with it.
To sustain an injury
To put sb/sth at risk
To reduce the risk of/ a risk
To risk one’s life
To take up a sport
Children should learn team sports, not individual sports; cooperation vs competition
Learning team spirit makes us more adequate members of the society.
Someone who competes against or fights another in a contest, game, or argument; a rival or adversary; Rival- Competitor: Team sports foster a sense of belonging and a sense of respect for both team mates and opponents.
In team sports it is easy to hide behind someone on a poor day.
Team mates learn to support each other to achieve a common goal.
The quality or state of being shy; Playing in a team gives children the opportunity to interact with others and to get over their shyness.
A person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person; Equal- Fellow: Children generally have more fun when they engage in an activity with their peers rather than on their own.
Individual sports are better at teaching children to rely on their own skills and be independent-spirited.
Team sports often have fixed training schedules, which can create difficulties for both parents and children.
Participate or become involved in.; Take part in: When children play a team sport, they have less time to engage in sporting activities with their parents.
A physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities; Disorder- Dysfunction: Children with a disability or a medical condition might suffer emotionally if they are forced to fit into a team.
Governments should build sports facilities for top athletes vs the public
The countries with the largest number of top athletes are often those with the best sports facilities.
An accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country: Top athletes are like ambassador for their country and as such deserve top-notch (classy- excellent) training facilities.
Relating to the whole world; worldwide:
If they are to compete successfully on the global stage, top athletes need a proper sports infrastructure.
A large number of people or objects crowded together: The success of star athletes motivates masses to engage in sport.
A person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy: Schools should be the main beneficiaries of public investment in sport.
A quantity that fills the hand: The health of the nation is worth a lot more than the gold medals won by a handful of star athletes.
Widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality; Credit- reputation: The success of top athletes brings prestige and worldwide attention to their country.
The place where something happens, especially an organized event such as a concert, conference, or sports event: Amateurs too need suitable venues and facilities.
Get involved in
Some of children of today will be the top athletes of tomorrow, so they need to be provided with facilities to get involved in sport.
Assign responsibility for a fault or wrong: The declining number of people engaging in sport is in great part to be blames on the lack of sports facilities.
Stand, move, or sit in a lazy, drooping way; Slump- Droop: Doing sport improves our health, while slouching on front of the TV has the opposite effect. So, Watching sport on TV is a waste of time. If you slouch, you sit or stand with your head bent over and your shoulders hanging forward, so that you look bored, lazy or tired.
Interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem; Interrupt- Make a mess of: Watching sport indiscriminately disrupts family life and relationships.
If someone or something disrupts an event or process, they cause difficulties that prevent it from continuing as usual.
Sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply, especially with a bent back: If you love a sport, you could be outside actually playing it instead of being slumped in front of the TV.
If you slump somewhere, you sit down or fall there heavily.
Not all sports fans have the chance to attend sports events.
Watching our favorite teams or athletes on TV can inspire us to get actively involved in sport ourselves.
Many people who play a sport can improve their skills by watching others again and again.
Television is a convenient and affordable way for armchair sports enthusiasts to keep their passion alive.
If you are passionate about something, you have very strong feelings about it.
If you say that something is affordable, you mean that you have enough money to buy it.
Who is responsible for children to exercise?
All schools should encourage students to take part in a sport.
For many children, school is the only place where they can get involved in sport.
Pride of place
As the aim of school is to develop human potential, sport and physical education should have pride of place on the curriculum.
Posters of my daughter’s favorite athletes have pride of place in her bedroom.
A short sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution; Slogan- Maxim: For centuries, ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’ has been the motto of many educational institutions.
‘be a sport, not a bully(a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable)’ was the school’s motto.
At the expense of
intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval; Eagerness- keenness: Compulsory education should not favor academic subjects at the expense of sport.
The junior team have a lot of discipline, but at the expense of enthusiasm.
Set an example
parents should set an example for their children by engaging in a sporting activity.
The headmaster sets an example for his staff and for the students by taking part in the charity marathon.
Gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude, especially a desirable one) in a person’s mind; Infuse- Implant: Parents should instill a love of physical activity into their children to promote healthy development.
Team sports instill both a spirit of competition and a sense of cooperation in children.
Receive an advantage; profit; gain: Family life can greatly benefit from parents and children being active together.
Considering the growing number of overweight and obese children, parents have a duty to ensure that their kids get plenty of exercise.
A moral or legal obligation; A responsibility- Obligation- Task: Considering the growing number of overweight and obese children, parents have a duty to ensure that their kids get plenty of exercise.
Sport and exercise play in key role in the overall development of children.
Parents play in key role in helping their kids find a sport that they enjoy.