Adverb Flashcards
Noticeable or sudden and often surprising. Exciting or impressive. Showing feeling in a very obvious way because you want other people to notice you.
By a strikingly large amount or to a strikingly large extent; Greatly: His health has improved dramatically
In almost every case, almost all the time; Mainly- Entirely-Fir the most part- Chiefly- Principally- Largely:
Our students come mostly from Iran.
The tourists who visit my town are mostly Australian.
Not involving anyone or anything else; Only, Merely- Individually- Exclusively: He is solely responsible for any debts the company may incur.
Consciously and intentionally; on purpose; Purposely: The fire was started deliberately.
A sales department was deliberately designed to allow customers to wander around the aisle.
At the same time; concurrently: The telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US networks.
This new design could accommodate more customers to go shopping simultaneously and even lead to unimaginable phenomena
(with reference to an argument, theory, or policy) in a logical and consistent way. In a way that forms a unified whole: He writes coherently on the subject, beginning by looking at basic facts before discussing progressively complex theories, without once confusing his readers.
By three times; to three times the number or amount; trebly: Oil prices increased threefold over a five-year period.
In a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention; Notably- Remarkably- Outstandingly- Importantly- Markedly: The global water consumption significantly rose between 1900 and 2000.
By a notably large amount or to a notably large extent; Greatly- Extremely: We can see that water consumption was considerably higher in Brazil than in the Congo.
Used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact; Roughly- Almost- Nearly: Industrial water use has risen to just under half that amount, and domestic consumption had reached approximately 500 cubic kilometer.
Separately or individually and in the order already mentioned (used when enumerating two or more items or facts that refer back to a previous statement); Successively.
In a way that is easily seen or noticed; clearly: Out of five countries, consumer spending on foods, drinks and tobacco was noticeable higher in Turkey.
To a small degree; Not considerably- A little- A bit: Spain had slightly higher figures for these categories.
In a manner that is not in accordance with the principles of equality and justice: Employees sometimes feel unfairly compensated for their work and are therefore demotivated.
In a straightforward or plain manner; Straightforwardly- Directly- Clearly- Plainly- Intelligibly: They reduced pollution simply by banning cars from the city center during the rush hour.
To a great extent; on the whole; Mostly- Mainly- To a large extent- To a great extent- To a great degree- On the whole: I come from a largely rural community where life moves at a slower pace.
For the most part; Mainly- first and foremost- First- Firstly- Essentially- Fundamentally- In the first place- Most importantly- Principally- Predominantly:
We’re primarily examining the financial aspects of the case.
More than anything else; Mostly- for the most part- In the main- On the whole- Largely- By and large: People mainly go on holiday in the summer.
to the exclusion of others; only; Solely- Particularly- Individually: The college library is exclusively for the use of students and staff.
to a higher degree than is usual or average; Exclusively- Solely- Individually: It’s a particularly difficult problem which we hope to resolve as soon as possible.
In a way that is exact and clear; Precisely: The advertisement is specifically aimed at people over 50.
In particular; Especially- in particular- Particularly- Especially- Specially- Primarily- Principally: Some western countries, notably Canada and the United States, have a very high standard of living.
In a pure manner; Sincerely- Candidly- Merely- Only- Solely: Our trip to Poland was purely an educational visit
Above all- Mainly- In the main- Primarily- Principally- Predominantly- Mostly- Specially: My home town is famous chiefly for its large number of schools and colleges.
For the most part; Chiefly- Mainly- Mostly- For the most part- In the main- On the whole: The company trades principally in the Far East.
He was principally a landscape painter.
Only or solely
In most cases
The main reason for something
Chiefly Largely Mainly Mostly Notably Particularly Primarily.
With a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual items; Frequently, At regular intervals and conventionally, Habitually
In every case or on every occasion; Always- Continually- Invariably: The vehicle consistently outperforms some of the best competitors
As a result of a sudden impulse and without premeditation. In a way that has not been planned but is just the result of an impulse; Without being asked- Of one’s own accord- Voluntarily- On impulse- Impulsively- On the spur of the moment- Extempore: In certain environments, children spontaneously want to work alongside their parents.
To a satisfactory or acceptable extent; Sufficiently- Appropriately- Suitably- Satisfactorily- Fittingly- Well enough: Starting to work at young age prepares you more adequately for adult life.
By a considerable amount; very much; Very much- Considerably- Appreciably: Having to work and go to school would greatly reduce the amount of time children can spend with their parents.
Under normal or usual conditions, as a rule; Usually- Ordinarily- Commonly- As a rule- As a general rule- Generally: Normally, most students sitting the exam manage to pass with a good grade. In general, the average result is a B or C.
It is unfortunate that; Unluckily- Sadly- Regrettably- Unhappily: I like him, but unfortunately he can’t stand me
With no qualification, restriction, or limitation; Totally- Completely- Totally- Utterly- Perfectly- Entirely- Wholly- Fully: I don’t like early morning starts, and absolutely loathe having to get out of bed early
Look forward
I always look forward to my English lessons.
Not often; Seldom- Infrequently- on rare occasions- Hardly ever- Scarcely ever: I’m passionate about flying, but rarely get the chance to go anywhere by plane
In a way that prevents success or development; harmfully or unfavorably: Having a large tourist trade can adversely affect the environment by causing pollution.
As is certain to happen; Unavoidably- Perforce- Necessarily: The large numbers of people flooding into historical buildings will inevitably cause erosion.
On purpose; Intentionally- Deliberately: Some people who visit historical buildings are not respectful and purposely cause damage.
Without doubt (used for emphasis); Certainly- Surely- For sure- Unquestionably- Beyond doubt: In some countries, menus are only available in local language, so people with allergies would definitely need to be able to enquire about the ingredients of dishes and meals on offer.
Far down or in; Profoundly: By not adapting to the culture, it is possible to deeply offend or insult a local person, which could lead to an unpleasant situation.
In a way that is experienced in the imagination through the actions of another person: Traveling vicariously saves you money and reduces your carbon footprint.
In a deliberate, positive, energetic or vigorous way: Ecotourism is an easy way of getting actively involved in caring for our environment.
to a greater degree or in greater amounts than is necessary, normal, or desirable; Inordinately- Unduly- Unnecessarily- Unreasonably- Absurdly: Local communities that depend excessively on ecotourism risk being shattered if there is another global economic crisis.
In relation, comparison, or proportion to something else: Cell phones are a relatively recent invention and people just need a little more time too learn how to use them properly in public.
Correctly- Satisfactorily. In the strict sense; exactly:
Cell phones are a relatively recent invention and people just need a little more time too learn how to use them properly in public.
Continuously over a period of time; always: Phone calls and messages constantly disrupt face-to-face conversations and friendly get-togethers.
Abreast of
Many adults have difficulty keeping abreast of technological change.
To an increasing extent; more and more; Growingly- Steadily more: Increasingly, public places offer free internet access.
In a manner relating to the body as opposed to the mind.
In a way that affects the mind or relates to the emotional state of a person: Extreme sports give people the opportunity to challenge themselves physically and psychologically.
In a way that relates to a person’s emotions: Children with a disability or a medical condition might suffer emotionally if they are forced to fit into a team.
In a random manner; Unsystematically- Aimlessly: Watching sport indiscriminately disrupts family life and relationships.
As an alternative or substitute; Alternately: If you love a sport, you could be outside actually playing it instead of being slumped in front of the TV.
By chance; Inadvertently- Fortuitously- Unexpectedly: We were accidentally cut off in the middle of our phone call.
In a way that shows poor judgment; Foolishly:
People who use credit cards unwisely, can easily run up (To make debts go up quickly) debts of thousands of pounds every month.
Without difficulty or effort; Effortlessly- Comfortably- Simply- Straightforwardly- With ease- With no bother: People who use credit cards unwisely, can easily run up (To make debts go up quickly) debts of thousands of pounds every month.
At a fast speed; Rapidly- Swiftly- At the speed of light: People who use credit cards unwisely, can easily run up (To make debts go up quickly) debts of thousands of pounds every month.
With the capacity to develop or happen in the future: .To be discouraged from doing something, usually because of a potentially negative outcome: A lot of people are discouraged from working for themselves usually because of a potentially negative outcome that it might bring by lack of a regular salary.
In a solemn or considered manner; humorlessly: At the age of 38 he ran for the post of President, but lacked sufficient experience to be taken seriously.
In most cases; Usually: Man has always had a desire for adventure, an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.
From or in the beginning; At first- Initially: Some technologies that we commonly use today were originally developed for space exploration.
Very often; Frequently- Generally- Regularly
Some technologies that we commonly use today were originally developed for space exploration.
Completely and without qualification; Absolutely- Completely- Totally- Entirely- Wholly- Fully: If we received a response to a signal sent from Earth, our view of the universe would be utterly transformed.
not likely to happen, be done, or be true; Improbable- Not likely- Doubtful- Unexpected- Implausible: Even if there were living organisms in outer space, it is unlikely that we would know how to communicate with them.
Almost certainly; as far as one knows or can tell; In all likelihood- Perhaps- Most likely: Sending signals into space is probably the best way to find out if there is life elsewhere in our galaxy.
Before or by now or the time in question; Formerly- Beforehand- Heretofore: A large number of people have already signed up for future space trips.
Personally For my (own) part- For myself- According to my way of thinking- To my mind- In my estimation- As far as I am concerned
With the personal presence or action of the individual specified; in person.
From someone’s personal standpoint or according to their particular nature; in a subjective rather than an objective way: For my (own) part- For myself- According to my way of thinking- To my mind- In my estimation- As far as I am concerned: People do not have enough respect and do not feel personally responsible for the environment.
In a way resembling or suggesting death; as if dead; Deathly- Deathlike: A peaceful society will never be achieved as long as it is easy for people to buy deadly weapons.
Finally- In the end- Eventually: Parents are ultimately responsible for the upbringing of their child.
In terms of the geography or physical features of an area: Smaller families are more geographically mobile and can move city more easily to find work.
To an adequate degree; enough: Parents do not have the time available to care for their children sufficiently.
Very quickly- At a great rate- At the speed of light: The government raised the income tax rate on account of / due to / owing to the rapidly rising rate of inflation.
In a quiet manner; Silently- Gently- Softly: They came in quietly so as not to wake anyone.