Topic 7 Defintions Alleles Etc….. Flashcards
What is the definition of Succession?
The change in an ecological community over time
What is the definition of phenotype?
The expression of the genes
Its interaction with the environment
What is the definition of Homozygous Alleles?
A pair of homologous chromosomes carrying
The same alleles for a single gene.
What is the definition of Heterozygous?
A pair of homologous chromosome carrying
Two different alleles for a single gene
What is the definition of Recessive Allele?
An allele only expressed if NO dominant allele is present
What is the definition of a dominant allele?
An allele that will always be expressed in the phenotype
What is the definition of Co-dominant?
Both alleles are equally dominant and expressed in the phenotype
What is the definition of Multiple Alleles?
More than two alleles for a single gene
What is the definition of sex-linkage?
A gene whose locus is on the X-Chromosome
What is the definition of Autosomal Linkage?
Genes that are located on the same chromosome
(Not the Sex-Chromosome)
What is the definition of Epistatis?
When one gene influences (affects or masks) the expressed of another gene
What is the definition of Monohybrid and Dihybrid?
Monohybrid: Genetic inheritance cross of a characteristics determined by one gene.
Dihybrid: Genetic inheritance cross for a characteristics determined by two genes
What is the definition of Hardy-Weinberg Principle?
Mathematical model which can be used
To predict allele frequencies within a population
What are the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg principle?
No (Random) Mutations
No (Natural) Selection
Mating is Random
Population is large
What is the definition of Gene pool?
All the alleles of all the genes within a population at one time
What is the definition of a population:
All the individuals of one species in one area at one time
What is the definition of Allele Frequency?
The proportion of an allele within the gene pool
What is definition of speciation?
Creation of new species
What is the definition of Genetic Drift?
Change in the Allele Frequency Within a population between generations
What is the definition of Habitat?
Part of an ecosystem in which particular organisms live
What is the definition of a community?
All the population of different species in the same area at the same time
What is the definition of an Eco-System?
A community and the non-living of an all environment
What is the definition of a niche?
An organism role within an ecosystem including position in the food web and habitat
What is the definition of carrying capacity?
The maximum population size an ecosystem can support
What is the definition of Abiotic Factors?
Non-Living conditions of an ecosystem
What is the definition of Biotic Factors?
Living conditions of an ecosystem
What is the definition Inter-Specific Competition?
When members of a different species are in competition for same resource in limited supply
What is the definition of Intra-Specific Competition?
When members of the same species are in competition for resources and mate
Competition for a male links to courtships rituals
What is the definition of a genotype?
Genotype is the genetic Constitution of an organism
What is the definition of Disruptive Selection?
What shape does it create?
Disruptive Selection favours both extreme phenotype/allies but at different time due to environmental factors
Causes m-shaped curve