Toksikologi (AKUTTMEDISIN) Flashcards
Hva er antidoten fir acetylkolin inhibitorer?
Atropine is the primary antidote for acetylcholinesterase inhibitor poisoning.
Hva er typisk ved de tre stegene ved etanylintox?
Stage 1. CNS depression, Stage 2. Cardiopulmonary symptoms, Stage 3. Flank pain, anuria, and hematuria
Symptomer cyanid forgiftning?
Endert mental status. If awake enough to answer questions, then the patient may report a headache, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, vertigo, weakness, and dyspnea.
Symptomer metanolintox?
Patient complaints include nausea and vomiting (in almost 50% of cases), headache or vertigo, abdominal pain (often from pancreatitis), and blurred vision (the patient may say, “It looks like a snowstorm”).
Hva er symptomene på Organophosphates (plantemiddleforgiftning)?
Symptomene er dumbels; diare, urinering, miose, bradicardi, bonkospasme og bronchorrhea, emesis (oppkast), lacrimation (mye tårer i øyet) og seizures, salivation og sweting.
Hva må man vurdere når man er innvolvert I toksiske kriser?
Toxicologic emergencies require you to think critically to identify the substances involved, determine your differential diagnosis, and formulate your treatment based on the anticipated clinical course of your patient.
Vanlige symptomer CO forgiftnign?
Symptomer kan minne om influensa, med hodepine, kvalme og oppkast
Symptomer sopp?
Hallusinerende liknende LSD, med signs and symptoms include muscle weakness, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, mydriasis, mild tachycardia, and mild hypertension. Noen kan få anfall og hypertermi.
Symptoemr opioid?
euphoria, hypotension, respiratory depression, and pinpoint pupils. Depending on the particular agent, nausea, vomiting, and constipation may occur as well. With increased doses, coma, seizures (usually secondary to hypoxia), and cardiac arrest (usually secondary to respiratory arrest) are common.
Hvordan virker LSD på cellenivå? Hvordan er effekten?
LSD is a serotonin receptor agonist. LSD has the ability to distort reality, change a person’s mood, or alter perceptions and/or reality.
Hva er forskjellen på opiate og opioid?
Opiat er fra opiumsplanten (f.eks. morfin), mens opioid er den syntetiske fremstillingen (fentanyl, tramadol mm).
SYmptomer PCP?
Symptomer er Slurred speech, staggering gait, tachycardia, hypertension, staring blankly for extended periods, and horizontal nystagmus. Users may also display extraordinary strength, have a sense of invincibility, or seem to lack awareness of pain, continuing to function despite significant orthopaedic injuries.
Hvordan vikrer ketamin på cellenivå?
virker på NDMA reseptorene og my-opioid reseptorene som gi smertelindrende effect.
Symptomer LSD?
Symptomer LSD er mild tachycardia, palpitations, mydriasis, and sweating. In a “bad trip,” the user has a vivid, frightening experience similar to a nightmare, resulting in an acute anxiety attack and the physical effects secondary to increased anxiety. The bad trip does not end until the drug wears off.
Hvordan er den kroppslige følelsen av PCP/englestøv?
PCP has the ability to distort sight and sound and make the user feel separated from his or her own body