Nevrologi (AKUTTMEDISIN) Flashcards
hvorfor er skade på nervesystemet
vil kunne stoppe viktige kroppslige reflekser
hva består cns av
hjernen og ryggmarg
hva er trimus
Om luftveiene er knyttet sammen kaller man det trismus. In the unresponsive patient, trismus can indicate a seizure in progress, severe head injury, and/or cerebral hypoxia. In the case of trismus, the patient may need to be sedated/paralyzed to relax the facial muscles causing the clenched teeth, allowing you to better control the airway.
hvordan er det med ventilering av pasienter med nevrologiske symptomer
Remember that routine hyperventilation of neurologic patients can be harmful. Provide hyperventilation only to those patients with documented signs of increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
hvilke områder kontrollerer pusten?
Recall that the functions of breathing are controlled by the pons and the medulla oblongata
brainsteminjury kan påvirke raspirasjonsmønsteret
hva betyr Eupnea
er definisjonen på normal pusting
hva er cushing reflex
bt stiger, bradykardi og lav rf ved forhøyet ICP
The Cushing reflex (vasopressor response, Cushing reaction, Cushing effect, and Cushing phenomenon) is a physiological nervous system response to acute elevations of intracranial pressure (ICP), resulting in Cushing’s triad of widened pulse pressure (increasing systolic, decreasing diastolic), bradycardia, and irregular respirations.
Cushing reflex is the opposite of what typically occurs in shock, when blood pressure falls and the pulse rate and respiratory rate climb.
hvilke to tegne kan man se ved økt ICP hos infants?
When you assess ICP in infants, consider the quality of the baby’s cry. As ICP increases, the pitch of the cry rises as well, until it resembles a shriek similar to that of a cat. At the same time, the shape of the pupils can change from round to more oval. These two findings are the basis of the mnemonic related to infants and ICP: “Cat’s eyes and cat’s cries.
hvilke tre reflekser beskytter oss
hoste, blinke og breknignesrefleksen
SKjekke; If you tap lightly between the eyes and the patient does not blink or twitch, then assume that the patient does not have an intact cough or gag reflex and will not be able to protect the airway.
hvordan opptrer pupillen ved adrenalin, stress og rusmidler
Generally speaking, stimulants cause pupillary dilation. Remember the flight-or-fight sympathetic response caused by epinephrine. If someone is trying to attack you, then you will need to see as much of your environment as possible to either defend yourself effectively or retreat. Your eyes, therefore, need as much light as possible.
Cocaine, methamphetamines, and hallucinogens also tend to cause pupil dilation. Conversely, depressants tend to constrict the pupils.
hva kan det tyde på om pupillene er ulike?
økt ICP
hva betyr anisocoria
at man har pupiller av ulik størrelse
hva skjer om man har et anfall om man ber pasienten holde armene foran seg med lukkede øyne
Have the patient close his or her eyes and hold out the arms in front of the body at the same level. With the eyes closed, the patient’s only way to tell where his or her arms are located is from the sensations being processed by the cerebellum. If the patient has had a stroke, then one of the arms may drift away from the other
hvilke tre faktorer er hjernen avhengig av for å fungere
Remember, the brain needs oxygen, glucose, and normal temperature to function.
hva er hernering
Herniation is the movement of a structure from its normal location into another space. P