toddler development exam 1 Flashcards
toddler development: biologic
Growth slows during toddlerhood. Birth weight is quadrupled. ½ adult height by 2 years of age. Decreased growth rate=decreased appetite.
Physiologic anorexia: as long as they are growing normally (as illustrated by the growth chart) this is not a concern.
how much milk is a toddler supposed to consume?
Milk: 2-3 cups/day (16-24 ounces). They may switch from whole to low-fat (2%) at 2 years of age.
toddler gross motor skills
1-2 years: runs fairly well, up & down steps - two feet on each
2-3 years: jumping with both feet.
toddler fine motor skills
1-2 years: builds a tower of 3-4 blocks, turns pages of book one at a time, turns doorknob, and unscrews lids;
2-3 years good hand-finger coordination, makes two strokes for a cross and draws circles.
what is sensory ability and language?
displays intense and prolonged interest in pictures. Visual acuity 20/40 considered acceptable.
words > years
What is play in toddlers?
Solitary play evolves into parallel play: toddlers observe others & engage in activities nearby.
Name Appropriate activities………
Building blocks
Shape sorter thing
Cognitive development: toddler
Cognitive: Piaget
Sensorimotor stage transitions to the pre-operational stage.
Cannot imagine others perspective of a
The concept of object permanence is fully developed.
Toddlers have & demonstrate memories
Domestic mimicry (playing house) is evident.
Toddler erikson’s stages?
Autonomy versus shame and doubt.
Independence paramount ~ do for themselves.
Separation anxiety
What is social development?
moral development
body image changes
What is moral development?
Moral development is closely associated with cognitive development
Egocentric – view from their personal points of view
Punishment and obedience orientation begin ~ good rewarded
What is self-concept development?
increase their explorations away from them
what is body image changes?
Toddlers appreciate the usefulness of various body parts.
Toddlers will develop gender identity by 3 years of age.
Hospitalized toddlers – pain & fear not identified in the hospital room.
symbolize objects and people in order to imitate previously seen activities
12-15 months risk prevent immunizations?
Inactivated poliovirus (IPV) (6 to 18 months); Haemophilus
influenzae type B (Hib); pneumococcal vaccine (PCV); measles, mumps, and
rubella (MMR); and varicella.
12-23 months risk prevent immunizations?
Hepatitis A (Hep A), given in two doses at least 6 months apart
15-18 months risk prevent immunizations?
Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis (DTaP).
12 to 36 months risk prevent immunizations?
Yearly seasonal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV); the
live, attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) by nasal spray (at 2 years of age).
Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis Vaccine Information?
There are three vaccines, DTaP, TDaP, and Td that provide protection from these diseases across the life span.”
During infancy and early childhood the DTaP is best suited to the immature immune system.
At age 11-12, the vaccine TDaP is recommended to provide a boost of immunity to all three diseases.
Throughout adulthood a tetanus/diphtheria (Td) booster is recommended every 10 years. Because of the increase in pertussis, the current recommendation is to substitute TDaP for Td one time for adults.
aspiration accidental injury risk prevent?
Small objects
Clothing (buttons or snaps)
Bodily harm accidental injury risk prevent?
Sharp objects
Unattended with any animals
Stranger safety
Burns accidental injury risk prevent?
Bath water > thermostats adjusted
Smoke detectors
Stove > pot handles
Electrical outlets
drowning accidental injury risk prevent?
Falls accidental injury risk prevention?
Doors and windows locked
Cribs low ~ siderails up
Safety gates
Motor vehicles injuries accidental injury risk prevent?
Approved car seats
Toddlers ~ rear-facing back seats until 9.1 kg (20 lb).
Then approved forward-facing car seats in the back seat.
Remain in car seats until 4 years of age and/or 40 lb.
poisoning accidental injury risk prevent?
Locks on cabinets
Lead paint exposure
Poison control phone number accessible
Meds and cleansers locked
suffocation accidental injury risk prevent?
Plastic bags should be avoided.
Crib mattresses ~ crib slats
Pillows should be kept out of cribs
Remove drawstrings
Family centered care: tantrums?
Temper tantrums frustrated with restrictions
Common! Release tension
Fatigue may lower child’s tolerance to frustration.
Ignore tantrum behavior > remain close > do not maintain eye contact > do not give in.
Reward good behavior after tantrum, e.g., with a toy.
Physically remove child if child refuses to comply.
Minimizing misbehavior, e.g., time-out ~ naps
Fam centered care: toilet training?
After child is walking (18-24 months).
Stand & walk well, pull pants up and down, recognize need to eliminate, be able to wait until in the bathroom, have the desire to please parents.
If child protests, stop & try again in several weeks.
Do not begin during time of change or stress.
Fam centered care: discipline
should be consistent with well-defined boundaries that are established to develop appropriate social behavior.
fam centered care: sibling rivalry?
Prepare child when pregnancy is evident
De-emphasize the “playmate” aspect
Stress the activities that will occur
Provide companionship separate
Make room changes prior to the birth of the new baby
Allow expression of aggression ~ toys
Read books to child related to babies or new babies
Supervise interaction between the toddler and infant
Health promotion: sleep and activities?
Average 12 hours; one nap a day (may relinquish nap by end of 2nd or 3rd year).
Sleep problems: often resolved by establishment of a consistent routine.
Night terror—first few hours, no memory, “bolts upright”
Nightmare— uncommon under 5 yr
nutrition for toddlers?
Decreased growth rate = decreased appetite.
General guide: ½ to 1/3 of adult portion sizes or 1 tablespoon of solid food per year of age at each meal.
Limit fruit juice to 4-6 ounces/day.
Picky eaters
New foods = develops an acceptance of it
Allergy ?
Finger foods help with autonomy
Regular meal times ~ nutritious snacks
Avoid sugar, fat, or sodium
Foods small, bite-size pieces ~ easier to swallow & prevent choking
Toddlers should not drink/eat during play or while lying down
Physiologic anorexia: as long as they are growing normally (as illustrated by the growth chart) this is not a concern.
heath promotion nutrition: toddlers?
Toddlers are generally picky eaters who will repeatedly request their favorite foods.
Exposure to a new food may need to occur 8 to 15 times before toddlers develops an acceptance of it.
If there is a family history of allergy, then cows’ milk, chocolate, citrus fruits, egg whites, seafood, and nut butters may be gradually introduced while monitoring for reactions.
Toddlers generally prefer finger foods because of increasing autonomy.
Regular meal times and nutritious snacks best meet nutrient needs.
Snacks or desserts that are high in sugar, fat, or sodium should be avoided.
Foods that are potential choking hazards (nuts, grapes, hot dogs, peanut butter, raw carrots, tough meats, popcorn) should be avoided.
Adult supervision should always be provided during snack and mealtimes.
Toddlers should not be allowed to engage in drinking or eating during play activities or while lying down.
What are dental caries for toddlers?
Use play to help child learn to brush (p 435)
Done by parents and role modeled.