preschool development exam 1 Flashcards
preschool growth and development?
Physical Growth & Development (3 – 6 years of age)
Growth is slow and steady
Weight gain: 2-3 kg/year
Height increase: 6.5-9 cm/year
preschool gross motor skills?
At 3: rides tricycle, up stairs alternating feet,
At 4: skips and hops on one foot, dress and undress themselves
And at 5: skips and hops on alternate feet, throws and catches a ball well, ride a bicycle with training wheels
preschool fine motor skills?
At 3: puts pellets in narrow neck bottle, draws imitating circles and cross,
At 4: laces shoes but may not tie bow, uses scissors, name 4 or 5 colors;
And at 5: ties shoelaces, uses scissors and pencils well, copies a diamond and triangle, prints a few letters, count
preschool play?
imitative & dramatic
imaginary playmates
sing along songs
what cognitive development phase(s) are preschoolers in?
Preoperational Phase (2nd stage) – Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Preconceptual phase (2 – 4 years of age)
Intuitive Thought Phase (4 – 6 years of age)
what is the pre-conceptual phase?
Egocentric thought = unable to see the point of view of others
- Cannot reason beyond the observable = unable to pretend a broom is a horse
- Lack of conservation or reversibility = unable to understand that there may be the same amount of liquid in containers that look the same
what is the preoperational phase?
Parents can enhance cognitive growth of preschoolers through educational TV shows, music, stories, and books. Language is one of the hallmarks during this period.
what is the intrusive thought phase?
- Ask “why?” and “How come?”
Begin to realize they have a lot of knowledge but don’t know how they got it. - More social awareness.
- Less egocentrisms, more able to view other’s perspectives.
what is the preschool social development?
Ritualism & negativism of toddler gradually diminishes.
Moves into initiative vs. guilt – Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development Stage 3
- Imaginative
- Pursue a goal – Need to try things on their own
Excessive guilt inhibits initiative, but child must learn to
retain sense of initiative without impinging on rights &
privileges of others.
what is the preschool language developmental challenge?
Vocabulary of 2100 words at the end of 5 years of age.
3 – 4 word sentences by 3 – 4 years of age.
4 – 5 word sentences by 4 – 5 years of age.
Names 4 or more colors
Knows days of week, months and other time-associative words
what is preschool speech problems?
early detection is key
Stuttering & stammering may occur due to rapidly growing vocabulary faster than they can produce the words.
It is a normal characteristic of language development.
Abnormal speech pattern may develop if undue emphasis on speech.
Most crucial period for speech development is 2 & 4 years of age
preschool nutrition?
This age child learns the importance of food for health & growth.
Food preferences are influenced by family, peers & TV.
The amount & variety of food varies from day to day.
Food should not be a reward.
By age 5 years finicky eaters may be more agreeable to new food.
how many kcals a day for preschools need to receive?
90 kcal/kg/day
If dawdling at meals is a problem with preschoolers, what can you do?
Set time limit to eat.
Remove plate when time over.
Offer nutritious snacks between meals.
Decrease stimulation (no TV or toys during mealtime).
Set regular times for meals or snacks.
Provide small amounts of foods.
Preschoolers may prefer warm, bland foods
what is important to know about preschool sleep and activity?
Sleep difficulties; difficulty going to sleep.
Provide a routine bedtime.
Have a normal ritual or behavior, e.g., bedtime snack, reading a story.
Provide night light-special toy
Immunizations Prior to Entering Kindergarten?
Ages 4-6, need additional booster doses of some vaccines, as well as a flu vaccine every year.
Chickenpox (varicella)
Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP)
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
Polio (IPV)
what is important to know about poisonings in preschoolers?
90% of poisonings occur in home
Developmental characteristics that predispose: toddlers and preschoolers are developing autonomy and initiative with increased curiosity and noncompliant behavior.
Imitation is powerful motivator when compared with lack of awareness of danger.
What to do for poisoning?
Assess the child
Stop the exposure
Ask about the poison
Stop the absorption
800-222-1222 (poison control)
what is important to know about abuse in preschoolers?
Family violence within home
May occur across all socio-economic &
educational backgrounds
Physical, sexual, emotional, neglect
Mandatory reporting laws require nurses to report suspected abuse (civil and criminal penalties)