communicable disease exam 1 Flashcards
contraindications for vax
severe febrile illness
admin immunizations
Written material to parents
Month, day, year of expiration of vax
Vaccine, manufacturer, lot number, expiration date,
Name, title and address of administrator
Pain control and what to know when admin immunizations?
Pain control
Buzzy Bee
Pain Spray
Gate Control
Vastus Lateralis, Deltoid
HepA Vax
Vaccine: IM, 0.5ml
Dose #1 at 12-23 months
Dose #2 6-18 months later
Given to susceptible folks:
military, Native AM, Alaskan natives, IV drug, homosexual etc
HepB vax
Vaccine: IM, 0.5ml
Birth- series of 3 doses:
If Mom is HBSAg+ / 12 hours, 2 months, 1 month after, 6 months after that
S/E: pain, redness at site, joint pain
Serious: Anaphylaxis
Contraindication: Bakers Yeast
What is Diphtheria?
Corneybacterium diphtheriae
Transmission by contact
Characteristic thick, bluish white to grey patch covers the tonsils.
Fever, anorexia, malaise, cough, hoarseness, odor, sore throat,
Complications: myocarditis, ascending paralysis
Treat: IV antitoxin, Pen G
What is Tetanus?
Clostridium tetani
Exists as spore in dirt, dust, animal excrema
Endotoxin attacks the nervous system
Umbilicus, nai
Stiff neck and jaw, facial spasms, difficulty swallowing, MUSCLE RIGIDITY
Complications: Larygnospasm, respiratory distress
Treat: Tetanus im
munoglobulin, Tetanus toxoid, ICU care, paralysis, ventilator et,
Revaccinate q 10 years (Td)
Tetanus symptoms:
Lock jaw and muscle spasm (Sardonic smile)
What is Pertussis/whopping cough?
Bordatella pertussis
Droplets, direct contact
Runny nose, cough that becomes more severe and spasms, flushing, cyanosis, vomiting,
Complications: IS SHARED
Treat: Antibiotics, steroids
Vaccine 6 wks to 6 years
DTaP (Infantrix) vax
IM / 0.5ml
2, 4, 6, 15-18 months & 4-6 yrs (5 doses)
S/E: redness, pain, Temp to 101, fussy
Serious: inconsolable crying, temp >102, anaphylaxis, shock
previous reaction,
immunoglobulin within last 90 days
vaccinate all who surround the infant
What is Poliomyelitis?
3 types of polio
Live vaccine was associated with paralysis and no longer given
Fever, headache, stiff neck, progressive weakness, respiratory difficulties, paralysis
Complications: permanent motor paralysis, respiratory arrest
Treatment: Supportive
Immunization IPV (killed virus)
IPV (Inactivated polio vax)
Allergy- neomycin, streptomycin
2, 4, 6-18, months & 4-6 yrs (4 doses)
S/E: swelling, tenderness, irritability
What is Measles (Rubelola)?
Airborne, respiratory
High fever, conjunctivitis, coryza, cough, anorexia, malaise, Koplik spots, Rash maculopapular from face to trunk to extremities.
Complications: pneumonia, bronchitis, encephalitis
Treat: supportive
What is MUMPS?
Direct contact
Malaise, low grade fever, earache, headache, pain with chewing, swelling parotid gland
Complications: Orchiditis, deafness
Treat: Supportive
what is rubella (German Measles)?
RNA virus
Droplet, direct contact
Pink rash on face to trunk, legs, low grade fever, headache, sore throat, red, inflamed eyes
Complications: arthritis, encephalitis, CRS. No pregnant women
Treatment: supportive
12-15 months, 4-6 years (2 doses)
S/E: fever, redness or pain at site, rash, joint pain
Serious: anaphylaxis, chronic arthritis, encephalopathy
Haemophilus Influenza Type B (Hib) vax
Prevention for: Bacterial meningitis, epiglottitis, bacterial pneumonia, septic arthritis, sepsis
0.5 ml
2, 4, 6, 12-15 months,
S/E: pain, redness, swelling at site
What is varicella (Chicken Pox)?
Direct contact
Mild fever, malaise, irritability, tear-drop, centripetal, rose petal rash, HIGHLY PRURITIC, contagious one day before until 6 days after first crop crusted over.
Complications: pneumonia, arthritis, meningitis, Reyes syndrome
Treat: supportive, Benadryl, IV Acyclovir
What is the chicken pox vax?
Vaccine: Varivax, SQ, 0.5ml
2 doses (12-15 months & 4-6 yrs)
Live virus
What do you need to know about the pneumococcal disease and vax?
PCV-7 Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
Prevnar (7 types)
IM, 0.5 ml
2, 4, 6,12-15 months
Early as 2 months for
Sickle Cell Disease, nephrotic syndrome, renal failure, organ transplants, HIV, cochlear implants etc
Pneumo 23 (PPV- 23 types) recommended for older >23 months
What is important to know about influenza and the vax?
Annually 6 months – 18 years
Trivalent Inactivated any > 6 months – covers both A & B types
Contraindication: Egg allergy
Live vaccine 2 doses nasally, 1 month apart
What is meningococcal disease?
High cause of morbidity & mortality
Adolescents (20%)
Neisseria meningitidis
Increased risk get 2 doses of MCV4 vaccination
(Menactra or Memveo IM 0.5ml) 2 months apart
Regular risk @ 11-12 yo visit – single dose
Menomune 2-10 years old (Subcutaneous)
what is scarlet fever?
+ ASO titer
Accompanies streptococcal infection
High fever, headache, vomiting, chills, sore throat, then rash
White strawberry tongue then red
Rash, peel
Treatment: PCN
what is roseola?
3 days of fever,
rash (non pruritic), on trunk not face
Herpes virus 6
Self limiting, no sequalae
What is rotavirus?
Most common cause of severe diarrhea
Hospitalization of approximately 55,000
children each year in the United States
Death of over 600,000 children annually worldwide.
Incubation period approximately 2 days
Signs & Symptoms:
characterized by vomiting and watery diarrhea for 3 - 8 days, and fever and abdominal pain occur frequently
What is the vax for rotavirus?
The RotaTeq® vaccine oral vaccine in three doses, at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. (None after 32 weeks)
The Rotarix® vaccine oral vaccine at 6 weeks then 4 weeks later
What is human papilloma virus (HPV)?
most common sexually transmitted infection (STI)
S&S: virus infects the skin and mucous membranes. There are more than 40 HPV types shows as genital warts and cancers
What is the vax for HPV?
3 IM shots
@ 11-12 yrs, 2 months and 6 months later