Thrall chapter 32 Diaphragm Flashcards
1) How many muscles make up the diaphragm?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
1) C pars sternalis, pars costalis, par lumbalis
2) Which of these statements is false about the pars lumbalis
a) It attaches to the cranioventral border of L4
b) It is the part of the diaphragm that makes up the right and left crura
c) The Attachment area on the vertebrae can appear indistinct and be mistaken for bone lysis
d) It attaches to the body of L2 and 3
2) D only to l3 and l4
3) Which of the following does not pass through the aortic hiatus?
a) Vagal nerve trunk
b) Hemiazygous veins
c) Lumbar cistern of the thoracic duct
d) Azygous vein
3) A- goes in to oesophageal hiatus
4) Caudal diaphragmatic displacement is usually associated with which diseases?
a) Diaphragmatic paralysis
b) Abdominal disease
c) Trauma
d) Respiratory disease
5) True or false, traumatic diaphragmatic hernias usually involve the tendinous portion of the diaphragm?
a) True
b) False
5) B false, it is usually muscular
6) Approximately what percentage of diaphragmatic hernias are congenitally predisposed?
b) 30%
c) 45%
d) 48%
Congenital hernias of the membranous diaphragm… (more than one may be correct)
a) are associated with inguinal hernias
b) are associated with umbilical hernias
c) are usually in a dorsolateral position
d) usually involve herniation of the liver (dogs) and falciform fat (cats) in to the mediastinum
7) B and D. C is for muscular hernias
8) The lumbar cistern of the thoracic duct passes through the…
a) aortic hiatus
b) oesophageal hiatus
c) vena cava foramen
9) the normal intersection of the point of the diaphragm with the spine is usually X and can very between Y. (X,Y)
a) T10-12, T7-13
b) T11-13, T9-T13
c)T11-13, T9-L1
d) T12-13, T8-L3
what is the arrow pointing to?
Peritoneopericardial remnant
Where does pars costalis attach?
8th- 13th ribs
10th – 12th ribs
9th – 10th ribs
11th – 13th ribs
When is a 3-domed appearance of the diaphragm seen on DV?
When the beam is centred over the mid-thorax
When the beam is centred over the mid-abdomen
Which condition is associated with PPDH?
Liver cysts
Liver torsion
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Which of the following attaches to the xiphoid cartilage?
Pars lumbalis
Pars costalis
Pars sternalis
None of the above
In traumatic diaphragmatic hernias, which is the correct order of prevalence for herniation through the diaphragm?
Liver, small intestine, stomach, spleen, omentum
Liver, stomach, small intestine, spleen, omentum
Small intestine, liver, stomach, spleen, omentum
Liver, spleen, stomach, omentum, small intestine
Which breeds of cats are overrepresented for Pertioneopericardial Diaphragmatic Hernias?
Siamese, Domestic Short-hair
Munchkin, Himalayans
Persian, Ragdolls
Himalayans, Domestic Long-hair
Himalayans, Domestic Long-hair
Which of the following radiographic findings would not typically be associated with a sliding hiatal hernia?
Cranial displacement of the gastric cardia
Hypomotile esophagus
Soft tissue mass adjacent to the right diaphragmatic crus
Gastroesophgeal sphincter within the thorax
Soft tissue mass adjacent to the right diaphragmatic crus, should be on the left
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernias?
A: Congenital hiatus formed between the muscular portion and the pericardial sac
B: Autosomal dominant gene in cats
C: DSH are predisposed
D: Hepatic cysts associated with liver herniation into the pericardial sac
(tendinous portion, recessive, DLH and Himalayan)
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding gastroesophageal intussusception?
A: Type IV hiatal hernia
B: Most common in female, German Shephard dogs
C: Occur in patients with pre-existing dilated oesophagus
D: Radiographic sign of a sharp air/gas interface on a lateral thoracic radiographic projection
B- male dogs more
What statement regarding peritoneopleural hernias is FALSE?
A: Rare in cats and dogs
B: Due to failure of septum transversum
C: In dogs, membranous defects often associated with umbilical hernias
D: In dogs, membranous defects most often associated with herniation of falciform fat
d, it is the liver in dogs
There are 3 opening through the diaphragm but where is the caudal vena cava foramen located?
a Dorsally
b Centrally
c At the junction of the muscular and tendinous portion towards the right
d Ventrally