Thrall chapter 21 joint disease in dogs and cats Flashcards
3) What muscle is the sesamoid bone labeled ‘10’ in the below image associated with?
a) Supinator
b) Pronator teres
c) Anconeus
d) Brachialis
4) Which breed of cat is more prone to medial patella luxation?
a) Siamese
b) British short hair
c) Scottish fold
d) Devon rex
5) Which is the earliest site of osteophytosis in the canine stifle after cclr?
a) Femoral condyles
b) Trochlear ridge
c) Tibial condyles
d) Patella
6) Cats with hip dysplasia show more degenerative changes in which regions?
a) Caudal acetabular margins
b) Cranial and dorsal acetabular margins
c) Femoral neck
d) Femoral head
7) Which regions are more likely to have pathology when you suspect hypervitaminosis A (can be more than one)?
a) Thoracolumbar spine
b) Elbows
c) Cervicothoracic spine
d) Shoulder
8) Hypertrophic osteopathy can be caused by… (can be more than one)
a) A thoracic mass
b) Transition cell carcinoma
c) giardia
d) spirocercosis
usually caused by a thoracic mass or cardiopulmonary disease, can also be caused by abdominal masses (particularly of urinary origin). non- neoplastic causes include inflammatory lung disease (e.g. blastomycosis), intra thoracic foreign bodies, heart worm, spirocerca
9) SLE in dogs is usually erosive.
a) True
b) False
7) Which of the following sesamoid bones is least likely to be radiographically visible in large breed dogs?
a) Clavicle
b) Lateral plantar tarsometatarsal
c) Intra-articular tarsometatarsal
d) Sesamoids of the iliopubic cartilage
7) D (11%). Clavicles 96% of large breed dogs, lateral tarsometatarsal 50%, interarticular tarsometatarsal 27%
8) Which of the following is false regarding meniscle ossicle is cats?
a) Meniscal mineralisation is usually located at the cranial horn of the lateral meniscus
b) The amount of mineralisation found was significantly associated with cartilage damage in the femoral and tibial condyles
c) Pain scores where not statistically significant between stifles with and without meniscal ossicles
d) It is a common finding in cats.
8) A- it is common in the cranial horn of the medial meniscus
10) Which is true of the cranial cruciate ligament?
a) It connects the lateral femoral condyle to the central intercondylar region of the tibia
b) It connects the medial femoral condyle to the central intercondylar region of the tibia
11) Sesamoid disease affect the metacarpophalangeal sesamoids 2 and 7 is the cause of forelimb lameness in what percentage of rottweilers?
a) 10%
b) Usually incidental
c) 70%
d) 50%
12) Which of the following is false regarding hip dysplasia?
a) In cat most degenerative changes appear on the craniodorsal acetabular margins, with a low incidence of remodelling of the femoral head and neck
b) The morgan line is the first sign of hip dysplasia in dogs
c) To identify hip dysplasia early, stressed VD projections with the femurs distracted should be performed
12) B it is an early sign but can be seen in large breed dogs incidentally
- which of the following is not part of the common calcaneal tendon?
a gracilis
b semimembranous
c gastrocnemius
d flexor digitorum superficialis
b it should be semitendinous
. where does the extensor carpi radialis originate and insert?
a) origin: lateral epicondylar crest of the humerus, Insertion: dorsoproximal aspect of MC 2 and 3
b) origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus, Insertion: dorsoproximal aspect of MC 2 and 3
c) origin: lateral epicondylar crest of the humerus, Insertion: intermedioradial carpal bone
d) origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus, Insertion: intermedioradial carpal bone