Thrall Chapter 31 Thoracic wall Flashcards
1) Congenital sternal abnormalities have been associated with what other disease/ abnormality (can be more than one)?
a) Gastroesophageal intussusception
b) Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia
c) Oesophageal hiatal hernia
d) Swimmer’s syndrome
2) True or false, pectus excavatum is not always congenital?
a) True
b) False
2) A- can be acquired with chronic inspiratory dyspnoea eg laryngeal paralysis
3) Which of the following is incorrect regarding thoracic wall masses
a) They create an extrapleural sign, characterized by a well defined intrathoracic mass with a convex margin facing the lung
b) They arise peripheral to the parietal pleura
c) They most commonly arise from the intercostal musculature and blood vessels
d) They most commonly arise from the ribs
4) True or false; there are two synovial joints between the rib and the spine?
a) True
b) False
4) A- Costovertebral joint between the rib head and the costal vertebral facet (hinge joint) – Costotransverse joint between the tubercle and the transverse process of the vertebra (sliding joint)
5) Primary neoplasia of the rib is often in what location?
a) Proximal third of the rib
b) Middle third of the rib
c) Distal third of the rib
d) Costovertebral joint
6) Define flail chest?
a) Two or more ribs broken in two or more places.
b) Two or more adjacent ribs broken in two or more places.
c) Three or more ribs broken in two or more places.
d) Three or more adjacent ribs broken in two or more places.
6) B but d in humans
7) Mesenchymal tumour metastasis to the ribs are…
a) Often osteoproductive
b) Often osteolytic
c) Most often spread via lymphatics
d) Most often from local spread from pulmonary masses
b is correct. usually spread via haematogenously
8) In the paper by Cordella et al (CT features of primary bone neoplasia of the thoracic wall in dogs), which was the most common malignant neoplasm?
a) Osteosarcoma
b) Chondrosarcoma
c) Fibrosarcoma
d) haemangiosarcoma
What has been reported to be an underlying cause of pectus excavatum in a dog?
Tracheal collapse
Laryngeal paralysis
Esophageal mass
Chronic bronchitis
laryngeal paralysis
Which location is most common for spontaneous rib fractures in cats?
Mid-portion, 9-12th
Dorsal portion 6-10th
Mid portion, 7-13th
Cranial portion, 4-8th
mid portion 9-12
What is a commonly reported secondary finding of rib tumors?
Thoracic lymphadenomegaly
Pleural effusion
Vertebral metastasis
pleural effusion
What is a rare reported complication of thoracic wall surgery in young large breed dogs (e.g. GSD)?
Calcinosis circumscripta
Rib tumor
calcinosis circumscripta
How many sternebral segments is there normally?
Metastatic lesions affecting the ribs are (can be more than one correct answer):
Often lytic
Associated with periosteal reaction
Are associated with pleural effusion
Have a large soft tissue mass effect
lytic and periosteal reaction. The other two are from primary tumours
Which of the following findings in rib fractures may make you suspicious of neoplastic process rather than a traumatic cause?
Rounded fracture margins
Overriding rib margins
Focal periosteal changes
Single rib involved
single rib should make you suspicious