Thrall Chapter 29 Larynx And Trachea Flashcards
Which is the only unpaired hyoid bone?
a) Tympanohyoid
b) Stylohyoid
c) Basihyoid
d) Ceratohyoid
What are the most common forms of mural pharygnolaryngeal neoplasia in cats?
a) Thyroid carcinoma
b) Squamous cell carcinoma and thyroid carcinoma
c) Chrondrosarcoma
d) Lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma
What is the most frequent mural neoplasia of the larynx in dogs?
a) Epithelial tumour
b) Squamous cell carcinoma
c) Rhabdomyoma/rhadomyosarcoma
d) Melanoma
A then C
Congenital nasopharyngeal stenosis is an uncommon condition thought to be found in which
breed of dog?
a) Keeshonds
b) Affenpinschers
c) Dachshunds
d) Jack russell terriers
C and cats
Pharyngeal collapse is NOT associated with which disease process?
a) Nasopharyngeal foreign body
b) Feline asthma
c) Brachycephalic syndrome
d) Tracheal/bronchial collapse
What parasite can cause intramural granulomatous masses near the carina in dogs?
a) Angiostrongylus vasorum
b) Dirofilaria immitis
c) Oslerus osleri
d) Spirocerca lupi
Which of the following are NOT secondary signs of upper airway obstruction?
a) Cranial displacement of the larynx and pharynx and straightening of the hyoid apparatus
b) Hyperinflation or underinflation of the lungs
c) Upper airway dilatation
d) Inward deviation of the intercostal muscles
A (caudal displacement would be correct). Others include acquired pectus excavatum, DV
flattening of the chest in cats due to increased intrathoracic negative pressure
In which breed is there an upper airway obstructive syndrome that features supra-arytenoid
swelling and laryngeal narrowing?
a) Boston terriers
b) Norwich terriers
c) Cairn terriers
d) Jack Russel terriers
What percentage of cases of epiglottic retroversion are secondary to another disease
process (such as BOAS, LarPar, tracheal collapse)?
a) 20%
b) 40%
c) 80%
d) 99%
Which of the following is the most common benign mural tracheal mass in dogs?
a) Osteochondroma
b) Sarcoma
c) Squamous cell carcinoma
d) Lymphoma
It is early fall, and a North American cat presents with upper respiratory distress and has a
fistulous tract on the neck. One month prior the cat had a week of violent sneezing and
coughing with no cause identified. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Oslerus osleri
b) Cuterebra
c) Unwitnessed trauma
d) Migrating grass awn
What is the standard tracheal-diameter-to-thoracic-inlet-height-ratio in non bulldog
brachycephalic breeds and non-brachycephalic breeds?
a) 16%, 25%
b) 16%, 20%
c) 13%, 16%
d) 13%, 25%
Tracheal hypoplasia has been associated with which disease in a kitten?
a) Nasopharyngeal stenosis
b) Mucopolysaccharidosis VII
c) Pituitary dwarfism
d) Ceroid lipofuscinosis
B. tracheal hyperplasia can be difficult to differentiate from severe tracheitis.
What could be the cause of persistent increased respiratory effort following stent placement
in a dog with tracheal collapse?
a) Nasopharyngeal stenosis
b) Laryngeal paralysis
c) Pharyngeal collapse
d) All of the above
What percentage variation is there in the cross sectional area of the cervical and thoracic tracheal height on CT in healthy dogs?
a 17% and 13%
b 21% and 21%
c 18% and 27%
d 24% and 19%
When assessinging laryngeal function with ultrasound, what structure is observed to assess abduction?
a Cuneiform process
b Sternhyoideus muscle
c Piriform recess
d Cricoid cartilage
How much larger/smaller does the trachea appear when comparing measurements on CT when compared to radiographs.
a +3 mm
b +1 mm
c 0 mm (same size)
d –2mm (i.e. 2mm smaller)
In the cat which laryngeal cartilage is most often affected by neoplasia?
A: Epiglottis
B: Thyroid cartilage
C: Arytenoid cartilage
D: Cricoid cartilage
Ectopic thyroid carcinoma affects which bone of the hyoid apparatus?
A: Basihyoid
B: Thyrohyoid
C: Ceratohyoid
D: Epihyoid
What part of the larynx articulates with the hyoid apparatus?
A: Rostral cornu of the thyroid cartilage
B: Caudal cornu of the thyroid cartilage
C: Cuneform process of the arytenoid process
D: Corniculate process of the arytenoid process
Which laryngeal cartilage is the most common to become mineralised?
a. Cricoid
b. Thyroid
c. Arytenoid
d. Epiglottis
Aspirated foreign bodies are most often lodged at which region?
a Cervical
b Carina
c Lower airways
d Phayrnx
What percentage of brachycephalic dogs with BOAS have tracheal hypoplasia?
a 10%
b 23%
c 39%
d 45%