Thomas Cromwell and the Pilgrimage of Grace + Economic development in the reign of Henry VIII Flashcards
How did cromwell change law and order
The 1540 act abolishing sanctuary (the use of religiouses buildings to sheild criminals). This was a major change.
What was the increase in crown finance under Cromwell and after the dissolution of the monastries
Crown finance rose by 2x from £150,000 to £300,000
What was the Court of Augmentations and when was it introduced
In 1536 Cromwell introduced the Court of Augmentations to deal with income from the dissolution of the monastiies
How did Cromwell develop administration in government
The business of the government became less centered on the household (carried out in rooms near the King and by his household staff) and became more independent and beuracratic.
How did Cromwell change the membership of the Privy Council
Reduced the number of members in the Privy Council from 70 members down to 20 members by 1536. This made the council far more specialised and more lawyers were made members of the Privy Council.
What was the role of the the Privy Council
To carry out the day to day running of the government.
What was the Act of Union and when was it introduced
The 1536 Act of Union incorporated Wales into the English legal and administritive system.
Which event increased the authority of the Council of the North and what power did it now have
The Pilgrimage of Grace, the rebellion of 1536. The council was to be responsible for law and order north of the River Trent, nominating and overseeing JPs and dealing with more serious crimes including treason.
How was Wales governed after 1543
An act of 1543 divided Wales into 3 shires, each with JPs appointed by the King (these men were often lesser magnates). Wales was to send 24 MPs to Parliament in London, and English common law was to be the law of the land. English became the language of documentation and officials had to use it.
What result did the increase in power of the Council of the North have on the King’s authority
The king’s authority was felt more directly and rapidly as a result.
What was Cromwell’s profession before his rise to power
During which time period did English trade increase
The first half of the 16th century, with the encouragment of the Crown.
Which export was the most important during Henry VIII’s reign and how much did it increase during his reign
During Henry VIII’s reign the most important export was wollen cloth, and exports almost doubled during his reign.
Which items were exported through London. What was this limitation
Broadclothes and cheaper fabrics, such as kersey (a lighter wollen cloth) were exported through London, although foreign merchants controlled much of this trade until the 1550s. Nevertheless the English company of the Merchant Adventurers flourished.
Who were the Merchant Adventurers and what did they do. How did they benefit the King/Crown
The merchant adventurers traded in finished cloth which was sent to their base in Antwerp (Netherlands) for dyeing and finishing, and they controlled trade with north-west Germany. They enjoyed special privileges and in return provided the Crown wityh much-needed loans.
How did the import of wine change during Henry VIII’s reign and what did this show about English society.
During Henry VIII’s reign wine was increasingly imported from the continent, reflecting the changing tastes and wealth of the social elites.
Name 3 other English exports
Cornish tin
Describe exploration during Henry VIII’s reign
Henry VIII made no attempt to build on the achievment of Cabot and the Bristol merchants at the end of the 15th Century. Robert Thorne, a Bristol trader, continued his involvement in an Iceland and Newfoundland fishery but other merchantsfailed to procure royal support for exploration.
Which industy was prosperous and in which areas was it prosperous.
The wollen industry, most particularly in the West Riding of Yorkshire, East Anglia and parts of the West Country, grew in order to keep pace with increasing trade and demand.
What trade prospered in Cornwall
Tin mining
What trade prospered in high Pennies
Lead mining
What trade prospered in North-East England
Coal mining
Where and why did the amount of iron ore produced increase
Iron ore production increased due to new blast furnaces which were produced. It increased in the Weald of Sussex and Kent.
Describe the growth in population from 1525 and its effects
The growth of population from around 1525 aided this prosperity as surplus labour could work in industry.
What was debasement of coinage and when was it first attempted. How did it change
The debas and ement of coinage is the reducing of the silver content in coins, thus reducing its value. It was first attempted in 1526 and became more frequent in the 1540s (as the crown tried to create more money to meet expenditure and fund Henry’s French campaigns). The debasement created a short-term artificial boom in 1544-46 by putting more coinage into circulation. Debasement of coinage brought inflation and for many there had been a fall in real wages by the end of the reign as prices and rents rose.
Describe the change in agricultural prices and its effects
Agricultural prices rose from the 1520s, increasing farmers’ incomes.
Name 3 factors which benefited agriculture
- Enclosure (which increased farm sizes)
- New agricultural techniques, e.g the rotation of crops abd the breeding of superior cattle and sheep (early form of selective breeding)
- Engrossing (amalgamating farms
During which years in the 1520s did bad harvests hit England and what were the effects of this.
Bad harvests (e.g 1520-21 and 1527-29) raised food prices. Food prices almost doubled across Henry VIII’s reign. This brought urban poverty.
What was the result of enclosure and engrossing
In the countryside, some were made homeless on account of enclosure and engrossing. There was legislation to limit the pratice in 1515; Wolsey established an enclosure commission in 1517; leading to some prosecutions; further legislation, in 1534, attempted to limit sheep ownership and engrossing. None of this was particularly effective.
How did Cromwell act towards Anne Boleyn in her rise to power and how did this change in 1536
Cromwell had accompanied Anne Boleyn on her rise to power, however in 1536 his loyalty was proven to have changed as he helped to engineer her disgrace and execution on charges of adultery, incest and witchcraft.
Who was blamed for the church reform and the dissolution
Henry’s attacks upon the church struck many as unnatural and wrong; since they couln’t turn on the king (treason), they turned on Cromwell and blamed him for every unpopular policy.
How did Henry feel after executing Cromwell
After Cromwell’s execution, in which Henry suffered from a lapse in Henry’s temper, Henry almost immediately felt regret, as her believed he had been betrayed by his councillorsd and supporters who had persuaded him to execute his most useful and loyal minister.
What was Cromwell’s aim from the the Cleves marriage
Cromwell knew the importance to Henry of establishing a Protestant ally, due to Henry’s Break with Rome and the potential of a Catholic cruisade from France and the HRE, which would be backed by the Pope. Cromwell found a Protestant ally in the marriage of Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves of the Holy Roman Empire. Cleves was from Protestant Germany.
Why was Henry VIII unhappy with the Cleves marriage
Henry cared more about looks than alliances from his marriage. Upon her arrival in England he did not find her attractive, comparing her looks to that of a horse, claiming her portarait to have been made to hide her true looks. Hence, the marriage was not consumated and Henry requested an end to the marriage and Cromwell was to arrange it. The failure of this arrangement ultimately played a major role in Cromwell’s downfall.
Which title was awarded to Cromwell by Henry VIII in April 1540
Henry titled Cromwell the Earl of Essex in April 1540- months after the marraige had been finalized and while negotiations for divorce were underway.
Who were Cromwell’s enemies
Cromwell’s enemies were the highest nobles in the land, led by the dukes of Suffolk and Norfolk. These men had previously pushed Wolsey from favour after years of effort and were determined to do the same to his successor (Cromwell).
When and why was Cromwell arrested
Soon after Henry’s