Theology part 2 Flashcards
Question: Who developed the Five Proofs for the existence of God?
St. Thomas Aquinas.
Question: What are the three parts of Aquinas’ “Summa Theologiae”?
Presence of God in Creation.
Presence of God in Grace (souls of the just).
Presence of God in Christ and the Mystical Body (the Church).
What is the first argument in Aquinas’ Five Ways?
The Argument from Motion (Unmoved Mover): Everything in motion is moved by something else. There must be a first mover that is not moved by anything else—this is God.
Which philosopher influenced the idea of the Unmoved Mover?
What biblical chapter supports the idea of God being known through creation?
Romans 1:20: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.”
What is the second argument in Aquinas’ Five Ways?
The Argument from Causation (Uncaused Cause): Every effect has a cause. There must be a first cause that is not caused by anything else—this is God.
What is the third argument in Aquinas’ Five Ways?
The Argument from Contingency: All beings are contingent (they could exist or not). There must be a necessary being that exists by necessity—this is God.
What biblical chapter connects to contingency and necessity?
Wisdom 13:1-9: Human reasoning can infer God’s existence from the natural world.
What is the fourth argument in Aquinas’ Five Ways?
The Argument from Degrees of Perfection: There are varying degrees of qualities (goodness, perfection). There must be a being that is the ultimate standard of perfection—this is God.
What is the fifth argument in Aquinas’ Five Ways?
The Argument from Design (Teleological Argument): The order and purpose in the universe imply a designer—this is God.
What is teleology, and which philosopher influenced this idea?
Teleology is the study of purpose and design in nature, influenced by Aristotle.
What does “Imago Dei” mean?
“Image of God” – Humans are created to reflect God’s nature (reason, morality, creativity, and relationships).
What biblical chapter introduces the concept of Imago Dei?
Genesis 1:26-27: “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.”
What are the two aspects of human nature in theological anthropology?
Body (physical) and Soul (spiritual).
What is the Christian perspective on the body and soul?
The body and soul
are integrated and equally valuable, created by God, and destined for resurrection.