Thenar eminence, hypothenar eminence, superficial palmar arch (dave's notes) Flashcards
What is the thenar eminence?
Three short muscles extending from the flexor retinaculum
Abductor pollucis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, and opponens pollicis
What is the nerve supply to the muscles of the thenar eminence?
All three are supplied by the muscular (recurrent) branch of the median nerve (mainly T1 but a little C8)
What is the origin and insertion of abductor pollicis brevis?
Origin: Flexor retinaculum
Insertion: The radial side of the base of the proximal phalanx and EPL tendon
What is the origin and insertion of flexor pollicis brevis?
Origin: Flexor retinaculum and trapezium
Insertion: The radial border of the metacarpal bone of the thumb
What muscles constitute the hypothenar eminence?
Abductor digiti minimi (most ulnar)
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Opponens digiti minimi
What is the nerve supply to the muscles of the hypothenar eminence?
Supplied by a deep branch of the ulnar nerve
What is the origin and insertion of abductor digiti minimi?
Origin: From pisiform and flexor retinaculum
Insertion: The ulnar (outer) aspect of the base of the proximal phalanx
What is the origin and insertion of flexor digiti minimi brevis?
Origin: The flexor retinaculum
Insertion: The base of the proximal phalanx
What is the origin and insertion of opponent digiti minimi?
Origin: The flexor retinaculum and hamate hook
Insertion: To the ulnar/outer border of the 5th metacarpal bone
What is the superficial palmar arch?
An arterial arcade, often incomplete, found quite superficial (just deep to the palmar aponeurosis).
From what does the superficial palmar arch arise?
It is a direct continuation of the ulnar artery
What does the superficial palmar arch give off?
The palmar digital artery to the little finger, three common palmar digital arteries to the webs. These are directed towards the nail beds.
NB thumb is supplied by the radial.