Clavipectoral fascia (dave's notes) Flashcards
What is the clavipectoral fascia?
A sheet of membrane filling in the space between the clavicle and pectoralis minor
What is the lateral limit of the clavipectoral fascia?
The coracoid process
What is the medial fusion of the clavipectoral fascia?
The external intercostal membrane of the upper two spaces
What happens to the superior aspect of the clavipectoral fascia?
It splits above to enclose subclavius, attaches anterior and posterior, then continues on as investing fascia
What is below the superior aspect of the clavipectoral fascia?
The two layers of the costocoracoid ligament
What is the more inferior split of the clavipectoral fascia?
Splits to enclose pec minor
What is formed below pec minor?
clavipectoral fascia reunites below pec minor to form the suspensory ligament of the axilla
What is the clavipectoral fascia largely covered by?
Pect major and deltoid, but a small gap exists between
What pierces the gap between pec major and deltoid?
lymphatics (infraclavicular nodes)
The cephalic vein (inwards)
Lateral pectoral nerve)
Thoracoacromial vessels - clavicular, humoral, acromial and pectoral.