Theme E - Crime and Punishment Flashcards
an illegal act for which a person can be punished by the gov
an at which breaks God’s law
rules for society
types of crimes
-against the person
reasons for crime
-mental illness
-opposition for exisitng crimes
- greed/hate
- poverty
moral absolutism
always wrong
-for all
capital punishment
- death penalty
corporal punishment
inflicting pain
Christian teachings - murder
You shall not murder (10 Commandments, Exodus)
Man was made in the image of God (Sanctity of life, Genesis)
All the days ordained for me were written in your book (Only God can take life, Psalms)
christian teachings - murder explained
-don’t disrespect god’s creation
-don’t intefere with God’s plan
Muslim teachings - murder
Do not take life which God has made sacred, except by right (Qur’an 17:33)
Muslim teachings - murder explained
-all life sacred
- taking what is not urs
-disrespecting Allah’s creation/will
theft christian teachings
You shall not steal (10 commandments, Exodus)
Treat others as you would like to be treated (The Golden Rule, Mark)
theft muslim teachings
Cut off the hands of thieves, whether they are man or woman. (Qur’an 5:38)
theft christian teachings
-be selfless
-stealing = greed god forbids this
hate crime christian teaching
Love thy neighbour (Jesus, Matthew)
Treat others as you would like to be treated (The Golden Rule, Mark)
hate crime christian teaching explained
-humankind are all one
-all the creation of god
-equality and unity
muslim teaching on hate crimes
If you see those who mock our revelations, you shall avoid them until they delve into another subject. (Qur’an 6:68)
muslim teaching on hate crimes explained
-all are equal
- no one has a right over another
-allah made all = disrespect his creation
deontological ethics
- judges the morality of actions
- based on actions adherence to the rules
- right/wrong
- consequences of an action determine whether an act is right/wrong
divine command theory
things considered wrong are wrong
- forbidden by god
making amends
-community service
- aims to stop ppl from doing something
changing someones character for the better
-don’t repeat crime
- reform someone
- help them to participate in society again
- taking revenge
-death penalty
reasons to not abide by the law
corrupt law
Bible verse on retribution
- ‘life for a life, and eye for an eye’
bible verse on forgiveness
‘if anyone slaps you on the right cheek
turn to them the other cheek also’
shariah law on deterance
‘the thief, amputate their hands’
‘in recompense for what they comitted’
bible verse on reformation
’ do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good
qur’an verse on retribution
-‘if a person is patient and forgives
this is one of the greatest things’
shariah law on reparation
- blood money paid to victim’s family
‘if anyone waives the right to retaliation out of charity, it shall be an expiation for him’
bible verse on vindication
‘let every person submit himself to the governing authorities’
qur’an verse on vindication
’ [obey] those who are in authority over you’
upholding the law
Arguments to support the death penalty
- sense of justice = but God’s right to punish
- ‘eye for an eye’
-deterance - one of 10 commandments = used for against too
arguments against the death penalty
- innocence?
-lord’s prayer = forgiveness
-jesus forgave adulterer
jesus on retribution
-‘but how i tell you, do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you’ - jesus
hadith of pardoning
-pardon each other’s faults and [God] will grant you honour
jesus quote ‘ father forgive them’
for they don’t know what they are doing