Christianity Practices - Celebrations Flashcards
Important religious figures who had witnessed the risen Jesus, who helped build the early Christian church
Feast of the epiphany
- A feast that in the Western Christian faith celebrates the visit of the 3 wise men to jesus
Paschal candle
special, symbolic candle used in various Christian services, including Easter
A major Jewish celebration which commemorates the Israelites” freedom from Egyptian rule as described in the book of exodus
A major religious figure in the Christian faith who preached or proclaimed the word of God
- A holy figure in the Christian Church who did many good deeds and is thought to be in heaven after death
practice where for religious reasons one stays up through the night to pray
period of celebration for religious reasons
celebrates the birth of Jesus
Story of christmas
-Angel gabriel told mary that the holy spirit would impregnate her with a messiah
jesus importance
-fulfilled the prophecy of the saviour
quote of prophecy of messiah
‘she will give birth to a son .. he will save people from their sins’
Quote on the miraculous pregnancy
-‘the holy spirit will come on you .. so the holy one to be born’
Impact of christmas
-appreciates God’s ability to perform miracles
-proves jesus fulfilled prophecy
-remembers jesus’ crucifixion
-celebrates his resurrection/ ascension
jesus was nailed to cross on good friday
jesus rising from the dead on Easter sunday
days after resurrection
-Jesus ascended to heaven
prophecy about resurrection
messiah would be resurrected from the dead
prophecy quotes in old testament
-‘pierced for our transgressions’
-crushed for our sins’
-by his wound we are healed
fulfilment quotes in new testament
‘atoning sacrifice’
-he was received up into the heavens’
celebration of easter: egg
-symbolises new life through jesus
-bunnies = growth
celebration of easter: simnel cake
celebration of easter: washing feet on mandy thursday
-washing feet in church by priest = humbling/equality
celebration of easter: palm sunday
-palm crosses are given out
celebration of easter: good friday
-passion plays
-meditate on Jesus last words
passion plays
re enact events of holy week