Christianity Practices - Sacraments Flashcards
The table where the Eucharistic bread and wine are brought to and consecrated
marks the beginning of an individual’s new life with God
The process of bringing someone into the Christian Church from another or no religion
consume bread and wine as a symbol of the body
and blood of Jesus
Reserved sacrament
- Leftover consecrated bread and wine from the Eucharist ritual
An important Christian practice
- expresses one’s inner faith
Tabernacle - A locked box where the reserved sacrament is stored after the Eucharist-
The belief that the bread and wine of the Eucharist mysteriously become the actual body and blood of Jesus during the ritual
Why do not all Christian denominations use sacraments
They believe that they are not all performed by Jesus in the bible so they are unnecessary
Baptism concept
-represents a person’s commitment to the Christian faith,
-forgives them of their sins
- fresh start seeking reconciliation with God through Jesus.
Jesus’ teaching on baptism
-Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist,
- commanded his disciples to baptise other followers in his name during the resurrection appearances.
- Jesus suggests those who have not been baptised cannot be saved,
Bible quote on baptism
Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of your sins and vou will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Infant baptism
-baptising of a young child or baby,
=welcoming new-born members into the Church.
Infant baptism concept or method
- involves holding the child over a font of water.
-The priest pours water over the child’s head 3 times to represent the Father, the son and the How Spirit.
For and against arguments for infant baptism
Against- a young child cannot understand their induction into the Church.
For- essential to cleanse a child or original sin, and they can still choose a different religious life when older.
Believer’s baptism
-adult baptism
-shows commitment
- not being baptised as a baby due to conflicting opinions
The Eucharist
-At the Last Supper
, Jesus told his disciples to eat bread and drink wine as a symbol of his body and blood,
- a reminder that Jesus’s sacrifice enabled the possibility of a relationship with God.
Catholic belief of the Eucharist
- transubstantiation;
-that upon being blessed the bread and wine mysteriously and literally become the body and blood of Christ. T
Anglican belief on Eucharist
do not believe in transubstantiation
- that the bread and wine are symbols that remind individuals of the sacrifice Jesus made.
The Eucharist in the Orthodox Church
-part of the Divine Liturgy,
-takes place behind an iconostasis,
- He will distribute the consecrated bread and offer it along with the wine to the congregation.
Divine Liturgy
which is thought to make heaven present on earth while it is being undertaken
The Eucharist in the catholic church
- part of mass
- begins with set prayers =
-bread and wine is blessed with a Eucharistic prayer
-it is distributed - the Lord’s Prayer, after
-the leftover bread and wine is kept and stored in a tabernacle (box) as a reserved sacrament.
The Eucharist in the Anglican Church
-Anglican services say the Lord’s Prayer prior to the offerings being
presented to the altar.
-shake hands as a sign of peace
Importance of mass on Catholics
-Believe Jesus is present here
-following command of Jesus
Importance of mass for methodists
-spiritual nourishment
-share peace and body of christ
How does believers baptism work
involves full immersion of an individual into a pool of water
-may also involve
Bible readings, confessions and testimonies of faith.
Eucharist quote
‘Do this in memory of me’
‘this is my body which will be given up for you’
Importance of Eucharist for catholic’s
-Jesus is present with them
-weekly gift of gods grace
-celebration of resurrection
-obeying commandments of jesus
a wall of paintings and art that separates the Congresation from the priest.
Catholic church: penitential rite
members must confess sins and receive absolution
Catholic church: ministry of the word
reading from bible/sermon
Catholic church: liturgy of the eucharist
last supper is re enacted
Catholic church: rite of the communion
people exchange peace and share bread
Catholic church: concluding rite
-priests blesses people and sends them out to the world
Catholic church: ministry of the holy communion
offering and sharing bread /wine