Theme B - Value of the world Flashcards
feeling of respect and insight into meaning greater than oneself
marvelling at the complexity and beauty of nature
religious believers have the duty to look after the environment on behalf of god
having charge of something
-ruling over it = authority
assisi declaration
world wide fund for nature brought together 5 major religions to declare how their faith leads them to care for nature
assisi declaration - muslims
-unity of god = unity of mankind
-maintain world’s balance
-be connected to earth
-care for earth = reward on D of J
assisi declaration - muslims quote
-‘whoever plants a tree and diligently looks after it until it matures and bears fruit is rewarded’ - muhammad
assisi declaration - christians
-every human act of irresponsibility towards nature is an abomination
-dual citizenship of man
-deplete resources for economic growth is forbidden
Genesis on dominion
‘cultivate it and guard it’
Quran on waste
‘eat and drink but waste not by excess for Allah loves not the wasters’
Hadith on khalifah
-‘Allah has appointed you his stewards over it’
‘place of worship’
Genesis on stewardship/dominion
‘be fruitful and multiply’
‘subdue it, rule over every living thing’
Quran on creation
‘Allah.. created the heavens and the earth’
‘His is the creation and commandment’
climate change
-refers to the changes in the earth’s atmosphere
global warming
gradual increase in overall temp of earths atmosphere
presence of substance which has harmful effects in atmosphere
natural resources
materials found in nature that people use
non renewable resources
things earth provides that will eventually run out
cutting down of large amounts of forest
sustainable development
building and progress that try to reduce the impact in the natural world for future generation
renewable energy
energy that comes from a source that will not run out
how humans abuse the earth
-animal testing
water pollution
contaminated due to waste being disposed of in bodies of water
-oil spills eg
air pollution
polluted by fumes from factories/transport
impacts of air pollution
-lung cancer
-acid rain
land pollution
chemicals that pollute the earth causing wildlife to be harmed
impacts of climate change
-forest fires
Genesis quote on food
‘everything that live and moves about will be food for you’
Quran quote on extravagance
‘do not be extravagant’
Psalm quote on the authority of God
‘the earth is the lord’s’
‘everything in it, the world, and all who live in it’
Environmental issues: fast fashion
-damages environment
Environmental issues: toxic chemical use
boycott the products
Environmental issues: ignorance
educate around this
Environmental issues: deforestaion
69% species decline
Environmental issues: deforestation solution
conservation projects
-World land trust buys area and protects it
-reduce cattle farming
Environmental issues: deforestation quote
man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it.
” ‘the earth is the lord’s’
quran = “The Earth is green and beautiful,
and Allah has appointed you his
stewards over it.”
Environmental issues: emission quote
‘do not seek more than you need
Environmental issues: emission solutions
meat and dairy reduction
Environmental issues: climate change solutions