Key beliefs in Shia Islam Flashcards
belief in one god
belief in one god
usul ad din
5 roots of shia islam
shia beliefs in islam
- khums
- tawalla
- tabarra
- amr bil maruf
- nahy anil munkar
Tawhid teachings about the oneness of allah
-‘do not ascribe any partners to Allah’
Quote referring to the creations of God (tawhid)
-‘is he who created the heavens and earth’
Quote on polytheism in Quran
‘polytheism is a great injustice’ Q.31:13
what surah in the quran talks about tawhid
surah 112
- ‘the one and only’
- ‘he begot none, nor was he begotten’
what surah in the quran talks about tawhid
surah 112
- ‘the one and only’
- ‘he begot none, nor was he begotten’
god’s justice
- fair behaviour/treatment
- life after death (shia islam)
- all humans will be physically resurrected to stand before allah
- judged for their actions on Earth
- day of judgement or day of resurrection
5 roots of faith in shia islam
- tawhid
- adalat
- al nubuwah
- al -imamah
- al -ma’ad
al nubuwah refers to
- belief in prophethood
- god sends the message of islam to prophets
- helps humans to stay on the right path
al imamah refers to
- god sends the message of islam to imams
- sends leaders to guide muslims
- imams are chosen by God
- so they are infallible
Shia beliefs on predestination
- they do not belief in it
- they believe they have free will
- which will decide where they end up (heaven or hell)
cannot make mistakes
-perfect in the eyes of God
- family of the prophet
- includes his daughter ‘Faatimah’ and 12 imams
a person who is chosen by god
-proclaims the message of God
Quote about al -imamah
-Quran 2:30
‘Indeed I am going to set a viceroy on earth@
-indicates the leadership of the imams
and that they are chosen by God
Quote on prophethood
Quran 16:36
-‘For we certainly sent amongst every community a messenger’
Shi’a meaning and who were they?
- supporters of Ali
- believed that Ali should have guided the muslims after the prophets death, not Abu bakr
- successor
- steward
- deputy
the sin of association
-comparing anything to God
usul ad-din is also regarded as the
foundations of the shia faith
insulting or showing contempt of God
being free from error
declaration of faith made by all muslims
-the refusal of associating with the enemies of islam
-care and love for the people
nahi anil munkar
-forbidding what is evil
Amr bil Maroof
-promotion of virtue
shahadah suggests
- the oneness of allah
- no god but Him
Six articles of faith Sunni
-al qadr
Usual ad din Shia
-day of resurrection