Theme C - The existence of God Flashcards
life after death
any belief which says that death is not the end
re incarnation
soul is born into a flesh body again
near death experience
an out of body experience when ppl are close to death
ppl who claim to be able to communicate with the dead
deja vu
a feeling that you have experienced something before
past life recollection
having memories of a previous life
evidence of life after death
deja vu
near death experiences
teleological argument
william paleys
-design argument
-God is the designer of the world
cosmological argument
- Thomas Aquinas’
-first cause argument
-God is the cause of the world
Anthropic principle
- belief that because the universe is set up for the development of intelligent life
-it must have a designer
-that has fine tuned things for life
weakness of anthropic principle
the world has flaws
natural disasters
design argument analogy
design argument theory
-all intellignet designs have an intelligent designer
-universe serves a purpose = intelligent
- must have an intelligent designer = God
Strengths of design argument
- fits well with biblical evidence
- fits with modern science as conditions are just right
- provides ways for religion and science beliefs to coexist
weaknesses of design argument
- not all designs serve a purpose
- flawed design = natural disasters
- evolution
Thomas Aquinas’ 5th way
- everything in nature is evidence for design
- a being directs all
- an intelligent being directs everything to its purpose = God
Muslim view - design argument
- God made humans to serve Him
- put humans in charge of animals
- complex design of world (balanced)
- only God
William Paley - design argument
- design isn’t accidental
- works of God
Thomas Aquinas - design argument
- only an intelligent being could keep things in order
-keep planets from colliding
Fred Tennant - design argument
- just right for humans to develop
- designed by God
-refers to gravity = just right
First cause argument theory
- everything must have a cause
- the universe must have a cause; couldn’t have happened on its own
- a powerful cause needed
- must be God
-God exists
weaknesses of first cause argument
- cause could be anything
- may be bias
- impossible to know what started the universe
- big bang theor
strengths of first cause argument
- logical
- God caused BBT
- simplest explanation
Kalam’s argument
- everything that begins to exist has a cause
-univere bgegan to exist
-must have a cause
Aristotle’s argument
- everything is brought to existence by something else
-chain of cause/effect goes back forever - must be a first cause
-which is unmoved