Theme B - Abortion Flashcards
the deliberate ending of life after the fertilisation of the human ovum + before birth
-termination of preganacy
an unborn human baby after implantation but before the development of organs
-8 weeks
an unborn baby after 8 weeksc
when sperm fertilises egg
the point at which the development foetus becomes capable of living outside of the womb
a state of being awake/aware
a pressure group
tries to influence the government when it is making decisions
pro choice campaigners
in favour of a woman’s rights to choose an abortion
pro life campaigners
-oppose abortion
-believe in the unborn child has rights to life
sanctity of life
all life is sacred
-created and loved by God
-God can only take life away
quality of life
general well being of a person in relation to their health/happiness
period where muslims believe the fetus is given a soul
breath of allah
situation ethics
‘the morality of an action depends on the situation’
Muslims beliefs on abortion
-forbidden by God
-all life is gifted by God
-shouldn’t happen after soul enters body
when does life begin according to muslims
40 or 120 days
quote on ensoulment in quran
‘he is the one who made you all from a single soul’
condems abortion according to muslims
-for selfish reasons
-socioeconomic reasons as allah will provide
quote on allah providing
‘kill not you offspring for fear of poverty’
‘we who provides for them’
‘surely killing them is a great sin’
when is abortion allowed in islam
-if mother’s life is a stake after 120 days is allowed
-rape victim = isn’t held responsible for pregnancy
why is the mother’s life prioritised in islam in life or death situations
it’s detrimental to her family and pre existing children
quote on taking life in islam
‘do not take life .. which allah has made scared except for a just cause’
islam quote on saving a life
‘if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of all humanity’
in islam why is murder forbidden
all life belongs to allah
right to end life is God’s not ours
Catholic view permits it when
-mother’s life is at risk
-fetal abnormality
-medical emergency
doctrine double effect
provided your intention is not to kill the fetus and instead to save the mother
Christian quote on life
‘man’s life comes from God’
‘for god made man in his own image’
pope quote on God and life
‘God alone is the lord of life from its beginning to its end’
Christian quote on conception
‘human being is to be respected .. from the moment of conception’
Christian quote on reprodcution
-purpose of sex is procreation
‘be fruitful and multiply’
pro choice on disability
prevents baby’s suffering
Anglican christian view
human life begins at conception
Christian quote on mother’s womb
‘you knitted me together in my mother’s womb’
Anglican Christian view on abortion as murder
-goes against the 10th commandment
‘thou shalt not kill’
-abortion is murder as life begins at conception
Anglican Christian view on abortion as interference and quote
-humans try to act like God
‘when he takes away their breath they die
maliki view
permitted with consent of both man/woman
until day 40
-forbidden after that
hanafi view
-permitted with restrictions until day 120
shafi view
same as haanfi
up to day 120
permitted in some cases after this