Theme B - Animal testing Flashcards
animal rights
-rights of animals to live free from human exploitation/abuse
animal experimentation
using animals for testing on
actions are right or wrong according to a set of unchanging rules
-same rules for all
moral absolutism
actions are right or wrong at all times for all people in all places
actions are right or wrong if they achieve the desired result
moral relativism
actions are right or wrong at different times for diff people in diff places
a good action produces the greatest good for the greatest number
lesser of 2 evils
when selecting from 2 immoral options, the one which is least immoral should be chosen
-ethical actions follow universal moral laws
-avoids subjectivity/ uncertainty
-follow moral rules + don’t think twice
Deontology pros
-don’t change in certain situations
-easier to apply
-safer society = same rules
Deontology cons
-may be right to break a rule
-disregard for outcomes
Teleological ethics
-‘ends justify means’
-right or wrong depends on outcome
Teleological ethics pros
based on specific situations
Teleological ethics flaws
-moral dilemmas
-cannot look into future (uncertainty)
-diff interpretations for good
a person who does not eat meat
doesn’t eat animal produce
battery farming
modern form of intensive farming
-keeps livestock at higher masses
meat that has been slaughtered following islamic law
influences on food choices
-animal rights
Animal right groups on animal experimentation
-not morally just
-use alternatives
-dna varies = invalid research
-suffering outweighs benefit
Science on animal experimentation
-research for cancer
-clinical trials
-synthetically grown organs
scientific revelations on animal experimentation
-breast cancer medication from experimenting with mice
utilitarianism on animal experimentation
cancer survival rates have increased due to research on mice
muslims for on animal experimentation
-has to have a valid concern
-animals exist for the benefit of humans
muslims against on animal experimentation
-respect animals they belong to allah
-must be treated with kindness
muslims should avoid treating animals with
-overworking animals
-factory farming
christians against on animal experimentation
-loving animals = worship
-mistreatment is sinful
-stewards of earth
-garden of eden = harmony
roman catholic on animal experimentation
-avoid unnecessary harm
christian evidence against animal experimentation
prophet isaiah described harmony in eden between animals/humans
muslim evidence for use of animal experimentation
‘it is god who provided for you all manner of livestock’
muslim evidence against animal experimentation
hadith = ‘there is a reward for acts of charity to every beast alive’
-muhammad told a man not to steal bird eggs = distresses bird
Christain beliefs on eating meat quote
‘the one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not’
‘for god has accepted them’
dominion quote over animals
‘rule over every living thing that moves upon the earth’
vegetarians argue
-object to factory farming
-killing of animals
-if land used for cattle was used to grow crops = more food
quote in genesis for christians to eat meat
‘everything that lives and moves will be food for you’
quote for christians forbidding eating this type of meat
‘but do not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it’
traditional meat for christians
-lamb on easter
= jesus was the ‘sacrificial lamb’
Hindu beliefs on eating meat
-animals are part of cycle of samsara
-could be like killing an ancestor
-deities are depicted with animals
- lord krishna was a cow herder
vedas teach hindus
belief of ahimsa
-non violence towards animals
Hindu belief of cows
-mother of civilisation
-provides milk to humans
muslims on eating meat quote
‘eat of the good things that we have provided for you’
muslims are forbidden to eat quote
‘meat of an animal that dies of itself, blood, flesh of pigs’
how is halal meat produced
-sharp knife cuts throat
-blood is drained
-animals cannot be killed in front of one another = prevents distress
hadith quote on harming animals
‘whoever kills a sparrow or anything bigger than that without a just cause, god will hold him accountable’
muslims belief on animals
-worship god in their own way
-rights = kindness
Quran quote on community with animals
‘all creatures that crawl on the earth and those that fly with their wings are communities like yourselves’
Peter singer moral philosopher view
-liberation theory
Peter singer moral philosopher view: specieism
practices of privileging humans over animals
prefernce utilitarianism
giving people/ animals what they want = right thing to do
Peter singer moral philosopher view: quote
‘animals would prefer to survive’