Islamic beliefs - core beliefs Flashcards
6 articles of faith
-supremacy of God’s will
-Holy book
-Day of judgement
Supremacy of God’s will
-God is all powerful
-God says be and it is
-Everything is by the will of God
Belief in angels
-supernatural creatures exist
-carry out God’s orders
Holy book belief
-believe in the word of God
-oneness of Allah
-no partners to God
Belief in prophethood
-God sent many prophets
-Muhammad is the seal of the prophets
Day of judgement
-announced by the blowing of the trumpet
-everyone will account for their action
-Allah decides if they go to heaven or hell
Usul ad-din (5)
-oneness of god
-justice of God
-Day of judgement
Adalat - justice of God
-He is just and fair
-God is all knowing so treats everyone fairly
-belief that Allah sent 12 imams
-descendants of Muhammad
-Ali was the first imam
-seen as infallible people
the concept of the Oneness of God.
Singular nature of God
the Islamic sin of suggesting God is not one.
Lesser shirk
the form of shirk when a person professes that God is one but does not believe it
Greater shirk
the form of shirk when a person openly states that God is not one.
the practice of worshipping something other than the one God within Islam.
the Islamic declaration of faith which declares God to be one.
Belief in one God
Shahadah quote for tawhid
‘There is no God but Allah’
Surah 112 quote on tawhid
Surah 112: ‘He is Allah, the One.
Allah, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was he begotten.
And there is nothing comparable to Him