Islamic Beliefs On Angels Flashcards
supernatural beings which act as mediators between humans and God.
Ability to live forever
Absence of sin
Angel jibril
Most important angel
Prominent angel
State of scared
Communication between humans and God
Book of decrees
this is the book in which angels record the acts and thoughts of human beings.
Angels are made from
Free will
Ability to make choices
Angel of death
Angel that blows trumpet to mark the end of the world and the day of judgement
Role of angels
-is to relay revelation from God to humanity.
-they do not have free will, and only know what Allah allows them to.
-sinless = holy enough to communicate with God.
Role of jibril
-chief angel;
-giving the most important revelations to the important prophets.
-gave the revelation to the Virgin Mary that she would bear Jesus
- brought the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad, commanding him to recite.
Role of mika’il
-He helped the Prophet Muhammad with his spiritual life.
-helps believers today with their own spiritual journeys.
-controlling rain, thunder and lightning.
Role of israfil
-he is responsible for blowing the trumpet to indicate the destruction of the world and with it the commencement of the Day of Judgement,
Role of Izra’il
- angel of death,
- is the one to take the final breath from a soul.
Other duties of angels include
• Putting the souls into foetuses at either 40 or 120 days gestation (depending on view)
- Being guardian angels
-Watching over believers in battle
-t aking souls to either heaven or hell
-Asking souls questions on their actions during Barzakh
shia beliefs on angels - munkar and nakir
they will ask who is your imam = Ali
shia beliefs on angels - karbala
allah has sent angels at the shrine of Imam Hussain where they mourn him
-they record the names of the pilgrims + pray for them
shia beliefs on angels free will
free will but no desire to sin
diff between shia and sunni beliefs on angels and Ali marrying Fatimah
-shias believe that Allah sent an angel to transmit this to Ali
-sunnis believe Ali was chosen due to his good characteristics