Key Qualities of God Flashcards
all -powerful
all loving
all knowing
-God exists outside of our worldly constraints and physical laws
-he is eternal
Holy Trinity
-belief that the father/son/holy spirit are equal
-distinct persons
Qualities of God the father (5)
-father to all humans
Quotes to support qualities of God the Father - father to all
-‘One God and Father for all’
Quotes to support qualities of God the Father - creator
-‘There is one God, the father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist’
God the son qualities (5)
Quotes to support qualities of God the son - preacher
‘if you believe, you will see the glory of God’
Quotes to support qualities of God the son - omni-benevolent
‘He was pierced for our transgressions’
Qualities of God the Holy Spirit (5)
-moral compass/guide
Quotes to support qualities of God the Holy Spirit - guide
-‘he will guide you into all the truth’
Quotes to support qualities of God the Holy Spirit - benevolent
‘he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that i have said to you’
Quote of God’s omnipotence
-Luke 1:37 ‘Nothing is impossible with God’
Quote of God’s omniscience
Psalms 139:4 ‘Even before there is a word on my tongue behold O Lord You know it all
Quote of God’s Transcendance
Isaiah ‘It is He who sits above the circle of the earth’
Quote of God’s love
John ‘ For God loved the world that He gave up his one and only son’
Quote of God’s justice
Ecclesiastes ‘God will judge the righteous and the wicked’
God’s grace
-unconditional love for all
-God’s love is given to all even those who don’t deserve it
defense of God’s goodness and omnipotence in the view of existence of evil
the belief that God appeared in human form
Genesis quote on God’s omnipotence
‘God created the heavens and the Earth’
‘And God said let there be light and there was light’
Genesis quote on God’s benevolence
-‘Let us make mankind in our image’
= humans share qualities with God
Genesis quote on how God’s creation of humans differs to that of other creations
‘in the image of God he created them’
John: The word became flesh - reference to Jesus
-The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us
John: The word became flesh - reference to Holy Spirit
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God
John: The word became flesh - reference to omni benevolence
‘the glory of the one and only son, full of grace and truth’