The USA Conflict Home and Abroad: 4.2 Flashcards
Support for the war
What was the name for people who supported the Vietnam War ?
What was the name for people who opposed the Vietnam War ?
What was significant about the demographics of hawks and doves in protests across the US ?
[] young people protested on both sides
[] black people protested on both sides
[] the doves were overall younger whilst the hawks were overall older and more traditional in values however
Describe the key reasons for support of the Vietnam War in the US
- the Red Scare/fear of communism
[] Eisenhower’s domino theory, consistently agreed upon by the presidents that followed worked to cause mass panic surrounding communism, thus making people more likely to blindly support even the cruellest of campaigns if it meant that communism, and people’s rights, free will and so on were “saved”
[] the two Red Scares, the second lasting from 1947-57, exacerbated this even more so, and normalised hounding and hunting communists to protect the capitalist system (Claudia Jones, who was deported to England for her communism as well as civil rights work is a good example of this)
[] the Cold War and fear of communists in the USSR and China also added to this - some had family that died in the War and didn’t want their lives to have been taken in vain
- some believed that they were fighting for the freedom and protection of free will of the South Vietnamese
- some were veterans who grew further convinced in the war due to the deaths of US troops from the VC, or through witnessing the power and organisation as well as destruction of the VC and North Vietnamese communists
[] patriotism was a greatly emphasised value in the USA (pledge of allegiance etc.)
[] drove many to support the war in Vietnam regardless of the global effects due to their trust in the government and American strength
[] didn’t want to give in and thus “lose face” to a small communist country like North Vietnam
[] giving in to communists would also make the USSR seem successful, as they supported and supplied the winning side; bad because of Cold War
Describe the lead-up to the hard-hat riots, 8 May 1970
- after Kent State Shootings on 4 May, many protests and demonstrations all over the country
[] largely in support of the students and their families
[] anti-war
[] outraged - New York’s mayor, John Lindsay allowed the US flag at City Hall to fly at half-mast to show respect for the dead students
[] most likely did to quell outrage and save his own political career, not wholly out of respect
[] huge symbol of allegiance regardless of intention, as US patriotism was extremely strong and flying the flag at half-mast meant a greater respect for the dead, anti-war and even pro-communist students than the nation as a political and social institute
Describe the key events of the hard-hat riots, 8 May 1970
- during their lunch break, construction workers including the leader of the riots (Peter J. Brennan) left the construction sites and attacked peaceful protesters against the war in a demonstration nearby
[] were still wearing their hard hats
[] broke through a police line to get to the protesters; POLICE DID VERY LITTLE TO STOP THIS - the rioters then moved on to City Hall, where they protested outside against Lindsay’s half-mast US flag for the students
[] said Lindsay was being too soft on doves and communists
Describe Brennan’s actions after leading the hard-hat riot on the 8th of May, 1970 and their significance
- some pro-war and blue-collar New Yorkers treated Brennan like a hero for speaking out against anti-war and pro-communism
[] viewed these people as traitors to the US due to the extreme patriotism, exacerbated by not only the Vietnam War, but the Cold War and the lingering effects of the Red Scares just over a decade earlier - Brennan led a massive pro-war rally, involving around 60 000, on the 20 May 1970
[] supported the war
[] criticised Lindsay’s policies towards the war and its opposers, which the protesters viewed as “too soft” and unpatriotic - 22 May 1970, Nixon invited Brennan and others who took part in the rally to the White House to discuss their demands and concerns
[] shows that Nixon may have taken advantage over any little support for the war possible, as the riots and demonstrations took place just a month after the first US troops entered Cambodia (caused public outcry from dove circles)
[] shows that Nixon recognised that the size of the rally lent to its significance - Brennan made Secretary of Labour in Nixon’s White House Administration when he was re-elected in 1972
[] demonstrated Nixon’s need for supporters of his policies in the war, especially as time went on and both public and political opposition to the war grew
When did Nixon make his “silent majority” speech ?
3 November 1969
Who were Nixon’s “silent majority” ?
the supposed majority of Americans who agreed with most of Nixon’s policies but did not go out of their way to protest or loudly advocate their support; simply followed rules and quietly supported
Why was Nixon’s idea of the “silent majority” so successful ?
- appealed to the (older generation) American ideal citizen; someone who followed rules, worked hard and had faith in their government and nation
[] thus made people feel good about themselves for fitting into this ideal, and thus making them like and support Nixon more - made the majority of Americans feel seen by their president
[] made them feel like their voices mattered too, despite being “silent”, when so often politicians only responded to loud protest
[] made the majority of Americans have their faith in the government restored at least partly due to this acknowledgement, which was GREATLY needed after the US’ mounting losses in Vietnam as well as the general loss in governmental faith from the public
How did Nixon’s “silent majority” make their support for him known after his speech on the 3rd of November, and why were these significant ?
- polls after the speech showed that 77% of people supported Nixon’s policy in Vietnam
- 50 000 telegrams of signatures of support and 30 000 letters of support flowed into the White House in the following days, and Nixon publicised this greatly
[] could use this to prove to the North Vietnamese and communists in negotiations that he had support where it mattered: both in Congress and in the general public, despite the loud minority of protesting Americans being heard the most and “skewing” global ideas about the public’s support for the war
[] meant that Nixon was easily able to hold out in Vietnam for “honourable peace” due to having support and backing from the people, whose taxes funded the war - later polls showed that the majority of Americans did agree and identify with Nixon’s idea of the “silent majority”
[] demonstrates that Nixon had managed to connect GREATLY with people through exploiting their ideals of American citizens, as well as their thorough normalcy in comparison to protesters and thus wanting to feel heard despite being overshadowed by these
[] very important for general public’s support, as people tend to support those who make them feel as if their views and opinions matter just as much as the next person’s
Describe general political support for the war
- though many politicians personally supported the war, those Democrats who were previously “hawks” became “doves” after Nixon’s administration began
[] wanted to make themselves look good against Nixon’s invasions and polarising policies in Vietnam
[] Nixon was a republican; opposing his negatively viewed policies would win them votes
[] HOWEVER, were criticised by the military for this, and made many Democrats simply look like hypocrites - no politician wanted the USA to “lose face” by giving in to a communist regime of a SMALL, ECONOMICALLY WEAK COUNTRY - would be (and was) a humiliating defeat
[] patriotism was rife in political jobs to reflect the patriotic ideas of the public and win votes, as well as the idea of “serving the country” by working in politics
[] this generated support for the war - political support for the war was ever-changing, due to politicians wanting to get votes by aligning with the views of the general public, not to let the US lose face in Vietnam through loss or retreat, and to end the war (economic, financial and social benefits all in one) all at the same time
Describe support for the war in Congress
[] public opinion
[] large, peaceful anti-war protests (would make Congress inclined against the war)
[] violent anti-war protest (would make Congress supportive of the war)
[] the amount of money being spent on the war
[] attack of US citizens and troops in Vietnam (make supportive towards the war)
[] personal values
[] military’s repeated and adamant assurance of victory being close the whole way through (initially = support, as time went on = less and less support)
[] patriotism/the Cold War/not wanting to lose face of the US (support)
- after 1970, Congress began to restrict government spending and involvement in the Vietnam War, HOWEVER STILL FUNDED IT
[] shows general support, but an unwillingness to sacrifice even more money and time that could be spent on the US on such a small country and destructive tactics used by the US, as well as the war looking unwinnable