Migrants In Britain: 2.3 Flashcards
Impacts of various migrants on English art, language, fashion, agriculture etc.
When did Dutch workmen migrants arrive in England and where did they settle ?
- most migrated in the 1630s and 1640s
- settled in the Fens (swampland)
What was the main trade of Dutch workmen ?
- agricultural engineers
- had experience with land drainage etc.
Describe the impacts of Dutch workmen in the Fens on the landscape
- 1630, Dutch called Cornelius Vermuyden invited by Charles I to drain the Fens
- over time, Dutch workmen straightened rivers, drained much of the swampland and made the rich soil suitable for agricultural exploits, dug ditches and dams, made windmills etc.
What was the impact of Dutch workmen on agriculture and food production in the Fens ?
- before the Dutch, eel, fish, wild birds, peat and reeds/sedge for thatching roofs were the main exports
- after the Dutch, rearing of geese (for feathers, meat and eggs), cattle and sheep became more common, and people started growing rapeseed, oats, hemp, flax, onions, mustard, woad and straw
- oil mills were also built to extract rapeseed oil and separate straw and seeds
- new man-made lakes were filled with pike and eel
What were the impacts of Huguenots and Jews on language in England ?
- NOTE: changes in language mostly affected those living around these migrant communities, or the rich
[] as the printing press’ commercial use grew after 1450, these language changes began to have wider effects however - Huguenots introduced many French surnames, road names and French words in general
- the return of Jewish migrants brought certain Hebrew words back into relevancy (as the English were already familiar with them due to migrants in 1000-1290)
What was the impact of Huguenot migrants on the English fashion industry and fashion trends ?
- NOTE: these changes to fashion only impacted nobility, as the poorer in England lived in isolated countryside communities with few sets of common clothes
- brought/popularised new fabrics (like silk) and new techniques
[] silk, for example, became popular for dressmaking and men’s shirts
Who was Polydore Vergil, when did he migrate to England and how did he affect English history ?
- NOTE: mainly affected rich schoolboys, though also affected those consuming popular media like Shakespeare’s plays or poetry/music centred around English history and past monarchs
- Italian sent to England by the Pope in 1502
- wrote biased history books favouring the current Tudor monarchs about previous English monarchs
[] for example, made King Richard III seem like a tyrant when he wasn’t
[] even popular English media like Shakespeare’s ‘Richard III’ was affected by this - 1582, Privy Council made his books mandatory reading for any school
Who was Hans Holbein and what was his impact on art in England ?
- German painter
- migrated to England in 1532
- popularised portraits with subjects in naturalistic posing
- popularised portrait painting for regular people too; up until this point, portraits were usually reserved for royalty or nobility
Who was Anthony van Dyck and what was his impact on art in England ?
- born in Spanish Netherlands
- was the favourite court painter of James I and worked for him until 1621, then returned to the court to work for Charles I
- painted Charles I’s children for Henrietta Maria
[] originally, his eldest son James was pictured wearing a dress as was normal for boys at the time, but van Dyck was instructed to change this to golden silk breeches to make the young future king seem more mature than his younger brother and sister - popularised family portraits
Who was Peter Lely and what was his impact on art in England ?
- born in modern day Germany to Dutch parents
- migrated to England in 1643 and succeeded van Dyck as the favourite painter of the royal court
- further popularised portraits and contributed to the view of Indian and African child servants as symbols of status and good fashion