Migrants In Britain: 2.1 Flashcards
Changes to religion, culture + gov 1500-1700, Protestant migrants, Jewish migrants
Describe the main changes to government between the years 1500 and 1700
- parliament given more legal control than monarchy
- Oliver Cromwell ruled (not as king) for 11 years after Charles I was executed in 1649
- James II (suspected Catholic) overthrown by William of Orange with permission of English because Catholics hated so vehemently
Describe the main changes to religion between the years 1500 and 1700
- 1534, Henry VIII made the country Anglican (Protestant)
- 1547-53, Edward VI passed laws to consolidate this
- Mary made Catholic again
- 1588-1603, Elizabeth I made protestant again
- Cromwell passed law meaning all future monarchs had to be protestant
Describe the main changes to economy between the years 1500 and 1700
- more international trade + migration
- 1600, Elizabeth I issued charter for East India Company’s establishment
[] traded for Indian silks, spices, cottons and dyes - 1660, Charles II issued charter to set up Company of Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa
[] traded for slaves, gold, silver + was start of Transatlantic slave trade
Who were the Huguenots ?
- French Protestants
- 1500s
- fled France for England after the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572) where 73000 Huguenots were killed by the French Catholic king
What were pull factors of England for the Huguenots ?
- 1534, England became protestant (shared faith)
- 1572, offered safety after St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in France
- 1681, Charles II offered denizen status to any Huguenots who wanted to migrate to England
- economic prosperity (had many relatives already in England with successful trades + businesses)
Who were the Minet family ?
- Huguenots
- 1685, after Edict of Nantes revoked (no longer safe to practice religion in France), Minet family planned to leave
- 1686 escaped to London and set up business (sold alcohol + perfumes)
- 1690 moved to Dover and set up an insurance firm; lasted till 1900s
Why did Huguenots prosper in England ?
- had marketable skills
[] financial
[] metalworking
[] manufacturing paper/glass/vinegar/soup
[] spinning/weaving - were able to find work or join relatives who had previously migrated
Who was Henri de Portal ?
- Huguenot
- migrated in 1705 w/his family
- 1718, set up his own paper mill and manufactured paper for official documents and bank notes; extremely profitable
What impacts did the Huguenots have on England ?
- boosted cloth trade between 1650 and 1700 with much of it being exported to France
[] boosted fashion industry
[] brought new clothes making techniques from France - helped to make England more tolerant towards religious diversity
- kickstarted manufacturing industries like iron + paper
- invested in Bank of England (10% of funds)
- established London as major financial centre due to their knowledge of investment and National Debt
[] also used this to expand the British Empire
Who were the Palatines ?
- German protestants
- poor farmers
NOTE: most migrated after 1700
What were the pull factors towards England for the Palatines ?
- shared faith
- economic opportunities
- Foreign Protestants Naturalisation Act passed 1709 to attract wealthy, skilled Huguenot migrants, but also invited Palatines indirectly, as they were European protestants too
Describe the initial English reaction to the migration of 12000 Palatines in 1709
- initially very charitable and welcoming
[] Londoners raised £20 000 and a fund was created by Queen Anne - tried to help the poor Palatine farmers
- tad bit of resentment, as England needed skilled labourers; already very many English farmers etc.
Why did Palatine migrants generally struggle in England ?
- poor
- unskilled labourers that England already had an excess of
- English accused of trying to take away their jobs
- government no longer willing to fund migration to America, so Palatines couldn’t even move somewhere more welcoming
- English funding and charitable help stopped eventually as most money went towards the war with Spain
What happened when the Palatines were deported to Ireland, and when did this happen ?
- September 1709
- sent to Ireland to farm the land
- land was poor quality so no advancements could be made
- resented by the Irish Catholic majority
- 2/3 of those deported eventually trickled back to England
- some landowners like Sir Thomas Southwell in 1714, Limerick, supported the Palatines off of their own land
What happened after the Palatines failed to settle successfully in England and Ireland ?
- 3000+ Palatines went on voyage to NYC; many died en route and those who made it settled successfully with the exception of anti-immigrant mobs killing some, as well as typhoid killing some more
- many descendants of these Palatines live in the Hudson River Valley
Explain how Jews got invited back to England by Oliver Cromwell (w/dates)
- 1655 rabbi went to have an audience with Cromwell to request that he allow Jews back into England because:
[] Jews were generally skilled workers and could boost the English economy
[] 100 000 Jews in Ukraine massacred and needed safety
[] monarchs had trusted Jews in quiet even after 1290 so no reason why shouldn’t be allowed in England
[] England’s religious tolerance had increased so easier to settle - Cromwell agreed because:
[] council ruled that the decree of 1290 was agreed by royal prerogative and not parliament, so no need to announce its reversal and cause panic
[] England needed skilled labourers
[] Cromwell believed that the second coming of Jesus would only happen when all were Christian, and it is easier to convert Jews if they are in the country - March 1656, Jews began to migrate to England again and settle around Aldgate
What did Sephardic Jews from Bevis Marks (synagogue) do to gain favour with the Mayor of London, and what is significant about this ?
- presented MoL with silver dish of sweetmeats annually from 1679-1780
- shows that Jewish immigrants had to work harder than usual to gain support from the English; this is largely due to anti-Semitism/fear of anti-Semitism among Jews
Describe the experiences of some successful Jewish immigrants in the 1600s
- Solomon Dormido = first Jew to trade on the Royal Exchange
- Mendes da Costa family = successful bankers with properties in 3 areas of England
- many Jews worked as tailors, shopkeepers, pawnbrokers and artisans
Describe the experiences of less successful Jewish immigrants in 1600s/1700s
- poorer Jews often relied on the help of richer Jews to get by
- many were pedlars and sold trinkets and smaller wares
- some worked by the ports, selling marine stones and supplies to shipowners
- went to schools for poor Jews set up by the Jewish community
Give 3 ways the richer Jews supported poorer people in the Jewish community
- Gates of Hope boys’ school for poor Jews opened in 1644 by the synagogue
- Villa Real school for poor Jewish girls opened in 1730
- synagogues often gave out free food, clothing and even money to poorer members
What were the English attitudes towards Jewish people in the 1600s vs. the 1200s ?
- less anti-Semitism
- anti-Semitic tropes still present in popular culture however, like in Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice’ and anti-Semitic lyrics/lines in songs and poetry
- Jews forbidden to go to university, become lawyers or serve in the army
Who was Moses Hart and what did he do ?
- German Jew
- traded on Royal Exchange + was very successful merchant
- 1692, helped finance Great Synagogue in Aldgate
- had huge house in Twickenham filled with Christian paintings to appear less Jewish and so be accepted more by the English
[] huge house needed upkeeping so gave jobs to poorer Jews
Who were two Jews that supported monarchs and how ?
- Lopes Suasso
[] funded William III’s Glorious Revolution to overthrow James II - Solomon de Medina
[] financed Duke of Marlborough’s campaigns
[] received knighthood