Anglo Saxon and Norman England: 2.1 Flashcards
Establishing control
What happened after the Battle of Hastings ?
- William and his army remained in Hastings for a while to see if any English nobles would meet him and submit to him
[] none did, and began his March on London on the 15th of October - Witan hastily elected Edgar Aethling to be the new king
[] supported by Stigand (Archbishop of Canterbury) as well as Edwin and Morcar - sent some troops ahead of him and the main Norman army to capture the royal treasury at Winchester
[] thus, William could reward his followers, but Edgar Aethling couldn’t - during March on London, avoided going directly to London as he knew that London had many fortifications and would likely gather fyrds from surrounding areas
[] route = Dover, Canterbury, Berkhamstead, London
[] devastated and pillaged villages and towns as they went, and eventually the Anglo-Saxons began to submit to him out of fear of destruction like the others - Edgar Aethling, Earldred, Edwin and Morcar all met William at Berkhamstead and submitted to him, pledging loyalty
[] swore oath to William
[] Edgar offered him the crown
[] William promised to be a merciful king to them (shows that William greatly rewarded loyalty)
Why did Edwin, Morcar, Earldred and Edgar Aethling submit to William at Berkhamstead, and why might they not have ?
- reasons for:
[] William had seized Winchester, meaning Edgar had no way of rewarding his followers whilst William could
[] William’s route for the March on London would cut London off from any reinforcements and thus weaken chances of success for the Anglo-Saxons if they decided to fight
[] all the best Anglo-Saxon warriors had died in the Battle of Hastings
[] people began to view William’s success thus far as God’s punishment to England for being sinful
[] William’s destruction in the March on London meant that the majority of the country rushed to submit to him
[] Edgar was a weak king with little experience and without widespread support - reasons against:
[] Edgar was already viewed as a legitimate king by the English, whilst William wasn’t
[] William’s claim to the throne was irrelevant now that the Witan had already chosen a new king
[] London was heavily fortified and William’s army had been weakened by battle and illness at this point
[] Edwin and Morcar, earls of Mercia and Northumbria, still held the second and third highest populations in the country after Wessex and easily outnumbered William’s army at this point
How did William reward his followers after the Battle of Hastings ?
- Anglo-Saxon followers:
[] allowed them to keep their lands and some power, though often reduced it
[] some given important roles
[] told Edwin he could marry his daughter (didn’t hold up to this promise) - European mercenaries:
[] gave money/treasure from Winchester
[] paid others using heavy geld taxes on England - Catholic clergy:
[] sent gifts to the Pope and important (arch)bishops - Norman followers:
[] gave lands in England
[] gave rewards from Winchester
[] gave high positions in Church, government and William’s royal court
[] gave Odo, William FitzOsbern and Roger de Montgomery the Godwinsons’ previous lands (Odo was given the most)
Where were the Marcher earldoms ?
- the Welsh border
[] Chester
[] Hereford
[] Shrewsbury
Why were the Marcher earldoms made ?
to prevent from Welsh invasion, especially as Anglo-Saxon rebels may gain support there then invade
Describe the key features of the Marcher earldoms and their earls’ powers
- were smaller than normal earldoms
[] easier to control
[] easier to stamp out any rebellion
[] made sure that the Marcher earls still had less power than William - had full legal powers and ran shire courts with the help of shire reeves THAT WORKED FOR THE EARLS AND NOT WILLIAM
[] meant that the earls could enact justice and punishment without having to relay everything to William first
[] this helped with quick-decision making to stamp out resistance
[] HOWEVER, were not allowed to try people for crimes against the king; this had to be done formally - had the power to build castles without William’s permission
[] essential for establishing control
[] quicker to stamp out resistance without relaying messages back and forth first
[] castles were essential for sending attacks into Wales if necessary as well, so good for controlling the borders as well as the people within the earldoms - earls had the power to construct and declare new burhs (boroughs), churches and markets
[] helped to attract Norman settlers to colonise the area ad weaken the chance of Anglo-Saxon organised rebellion - Marcher earldoms were exempt from taxation
[] reward for the Marcher earls for loyalty
[] gave incentive to the Marcher earls to spend this extra money on new defences and improvements to the earldoms
Describe the key features of Norman motte and bailey castles
- motte (mound of earth)
[] fireproof since made of soil (many rebels used arson at the time) - sometimes would even cover with wet animal hide to fireproof further
[] good vantage point to see oncoming armies, rebels etc. - bailey (enclosure)
[] shelter for the lord and his garrison + their horses
[] stables and barracks for people and livestock that lived there during attacks - palisade wall
[] big wooden stakes
[] sometimes with earth packed between a double fence - had moats/ditches to protect the palisade
- gatehouse to control access to the castle
- built 32 km away from one another in particularly rebellious areas like the north
[] 32 km is how far the Norman horses + foot soldiers could travel in a day
[] good for quick response to rebellion and thus control - could be constructed within around 9 months (very quick) with the use of peasant labour
- often had to clear away Anglo-Saxon houses/villages to make way for these
[] very unpopular with locals
[] demonstrated the Norman control - were a symbol of Norman control and intimidated any possible rebels
Why did William build castles ?
- to establish control over the Anglo-Saxons in rebellious areas
[] thus built in strategic locations - as a symbol of the Norman reign in England
- used as bases by the lords in the area for in/outcoming attacks
What were the differences between Anglo-Saxon burhs and Norman castles ?
- burhs were built for public use, whilst castles were mostly private (for the lord’s use only)
- burhs were built for the Anglo-Saxon community, whilst castles were used to oppress them
- burhs and castles both had fortifications, but castles were also suited to attack as well as defence
- burhs were much bigger than castles
- burhs took longer to build than castles
- burhs were more focused on commerce and trade whilst castles were for domination or shelter