Migrants In Britain: 2.2 Flashcards
African migrants, Indian migrants, Gypsy migrants
Why did Africans migrate to England ?
- forced migration due to the slave trade earlier
- followed their English employers
- refugees from Spanish rebellions such as the Muslim rebellion of 1568 etc.
How were black people treated in England during the 1500s-1700s ?
- largely treated as equals to white people because slavery in the common sense of the word was pretty uncommon and viewed as illegal (though not illegal by law)
- any discrimination against black people was generally due to a lack of social standing, for example being refugees from the slave trade or rebellions, not their skin
- if they had skills, they were successful
- their lives were no better or worse than the average Tudor; had the same rights, wages, ability to marry in local parishes (parish records) etc. as white Tudors
Who was Edward Swarthage ?
- black porter at Sir Edward Winters’ house in 1590s
[] ordered to whip white thief
Who was Reasonable Blackman ?
- black silk weaver in 1580s
[] had family with 3 kids
[] two died during the Plague
Who was Catelina ?
- black woman, 1625 (died)
[] single
[] lived in Bristol and owned her own cow
Who was John Blanke ?
black man who worked as a royal trumpeter for Henry VIII
Who was Jaques Francis ?
- black diver
[] salvaged goods from Henry VIII’s sunken ship in 1545
Who was John Anthony ?
- black sailor in the early 1600s
[] used to be a pirate with Henry Mainwaring
Who was John Moore ?
- black wealthy man, late 1600s
[] paid for the Freedom of the City of York
[] enjoyed special privileges like fishing in York rivers as a result
Who was Mingoe ?
- black butler to Sir William Batten (MP)
[] Batten left his lighthouse and £20/year to Mingoe after his death in 1667
What happened to black workers that were unsatisfied with their jobs ?
- mainly servants were unsatisfied with their jobs
- some ran away
- missing posters were put up with rewards for finding them and returning to their employers/masters
What was the attitudes to black child servants ?
- viewed as a fashion statement and status symbol
- many white nobles and monarchs had portraits painted with their child servants
What were pull factors of England for Indian migrants ?
- followed English employers who temporarily stayed in India to do work for the East India Company
- economic opportunities
Describe how Indian migration was kickstarted
- 1585, Queen Elizabeth I became interested in trade with India
- 1600, Queen Elizabeth I issued charter to set up the East India Company
- 1608, trade via the East India Company began
- many trading posts/factories set up in different regions of India by the East India Company and many English East India Company workers moved to India to attempt to make their own fortunes via trade
- when these returned, made way for Indian immigrants to England
[] ayahs who took care of English children in India followed their employers to England
[] servants also followed their employers and even hoped for better jobs and pay
[] lascars on East India Company ships worked on English ships
[] Indians married to English migrants to India followed them back to England
Describe the experiences of lascars in England
- settled around ports as worked mainly on English ships as sailors
- also worked as casual labourers or ship engineers
Describe the experiences of Indian servants, like ayahs, in England
- left at their arrival ports or dismissed once no longer needed
- some treated as respected + useful servants, especially child servants (also treated as fashion statements and status symbols like black child servants by the English nobility)
When was the first Indian baptised in England and what was special about his baptism ?
- 1616, 22 Dec
- Indian youth
- baptism watched by aldermen, the Privy Council, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Baptismal name chosen by king James II
- later sent back to India as a missionary
What were the main trades of Gypsy migrants ?
- farm labourers
- entertainers
- mending crockery
- selling herbs + animals
Where did Gypsy migrants stay in England ?
- came and went w/no permanent settlements
- lived largely in tents on common lands and forests
What was the English attitude towards Gypsies ?
- regarded as vagrants (dangers to peace and order)
- no economic value
- not welcomed by the majority
Describe the persecution of Gypsies in England from the year 1530 to 1595
- 1530: Henry VIII ordered all Gypsies to leave the country within 16 days (most didn’t)
- 1554: Queen Mary I ordered that Gypsies could remain in England if they stayed in one place permanently (most didn’t)
- 1562: Queen Elizabeth I announced that Gypsies were welcome to become English citizens if they settled permanently in one place; if they refused and were caught, they would be hanged
- 1577: 6 people hanged for mixing with Gypsies
- 1592: 5 Gypsies hanged
- 1595: 9 Gypsies hanged