Migrants In Britain: 2.5 Flashcards
Case study: Huguenots in Soho and Spitalfields, London, in the 1600s
Why was King William (of Orange) III so supportive of the Huguenots ?
- he and his wife were Protestants
[] had been invited to overthrow James II (suspected Catholic)
[] wanted to strengthen Protestant faith in England and erase any sympathy for Catholicism - understood how valuable the Huguenots’ skills were to English economy and empire
[] Huguenot money helped fun his war with the French king who had persecuted the Huguenots
Where did the new influx of Huguenot migrants in the early 1700s settle ?
- Soho
- Spitalfields
[] food and housing were cheaper here than in Soho
[] more freedom from the English trade guilds in Soho, meaning easier to start businesses of their own without resentment from the English for ‘taking jobs away’
Describe how William III and Mary II (his wife) helped the poorer Huguenot refugees settle into Soho/Spitalfields
- set up a relief committee, which raised around £65 000 (£3.5 million today) by the end of the 1600s
- donated around £32 000 themselves between 1689 and 1693
Describe the success of Huguenot weavers in Spitalfields
- Spitalfields became known for its weavers; nicknamed “weaver town”
- many large workshops were established, which employed hundreds of Huguenots
- produced many types of silks (esp. figured silks w/raised patterns)
- several skilled Huguenots were admitted to the Weavers’ Company (ancient English guild that controlled the industry in London)
- huge demand for the silks produced in Spitalfields
- many wealthy weavers built their own large houses
Who was James Leman ?
- Huguenot weaver and trained designer
- 1711, admitted as a ‘foreign master’ to the Weavers’ Company
- took over his father’s weaving business in 1712
- became ‘Renter Bailiff’ (second in command of the Weaver’s Company) in 1731
What is the ‘Protestant work ethic’ and why is it relevant ?
the Huguenot Protestant belief that it’s their duty to work hard and be successful in the eyes of God
Describe the significance of Huguenot churches
- original Huguenot English church burned down in Great Fire of London and rebuilt in Soho Square
- Spitalfields had no Huguenot church until given permission
[] by 1700, 9 had been built - the churches allowed Huguenots to maintain their identity and culture in terms of language, food and clothing
- they created a connection between the newly forming Huguenot communities
- created welfare and support for the poor and new migrants
- enabled the Huguenots deeper acceptance into society as church-going signalled them to be respectable, learned and hard-working (Protestant work ethic)
- helped create religious/migrant tolerance and normalised different faiths