Migrants In Britain: 3.1 Flashcards
Changes to parliament, industry, empire and transport in the 1700s - 1900, Irish migrants, German/Italian migrants
Describe the 3 main changes to Parliament in Britain in 1700-1900 and their impacts on migration
- 1832 Reform Act giving franchise to property-owning men, as well as the 1867 and 84 revisions of this Act to give the vote to more working class men
[] greater rights for workers made industrial towns attractive to economic migrants
[] political freedom attracted European migrants, esp. socialists and liberals - 1829 Catholic Emancipation Act (allowed Catholics the same rights as Protestants)
[] made England a viable place for Catholic migrants like the Irish - 1830s Jews given same rights as Christians
[] made England more attractive to Jewish migrants, especially refugees from anti-Semitic countries - Britain’s slave trade abolished 1807, slavery made illegal in 1833
[] black migrants saw Britain as increasingly free of racial prejudice + allowing of more freedom/agency
Describe the 3 main changes to industry in Britain in 1700-1900 and their impacts on migration
- 1750-1850, Industrial Revolution
[] more migrants from English countryside into cities and industrial towns, as the newly popularised use of agricultural machinery meant that less manual labour was needed on farms - manufactured goods produced in factories and industries like weaving and the textile industry became dominated by the use of spinning machines, especially for cotton
[] factories needed workers, so attracted economic migrants
[] the goods produced in these factories elicited trade and thus more visitors and migrants - mid 1800s, many industrial towns/cities with a rapidly rising population
[] growing industrial towns/cities made it easier for migrant communities to grow/develop (like Chinatown in Liverpool) - new docks built in major industrial cities, which became extremely busy and created many jobs
[] huge demand for labour on docks + on ships attracted many economic migrants like lascars
Describe the 4 main changes to transport in Britain in 1700-1900 and their impacts on migration
- by 1840, huge network of road connecting all major cities to London
- canals used to carry heavy goods in large quantities
@ in 1761, Bridgewater canal linked coal mines (important for factories) and Manchester
@ canals linked all major ports to major manufacturing areas by 1820s - railway from Liverpool to Manchester opened in 1830; fast and cheap to get around
- by 1900 5 major railway companies
- steam powered ships meant could travel much greater distances more frequently to trade with faraway countries like Australia and America
[] improvements in transport meant it was easier for migrants to get into the country and move around in Britain to settle and build communities
[] improvements in transport created jobs and new opportunities for economic migrants
Describe the significance of the growth of the British Empire for migration and the British economy
- growth of British Empire = more connection with the known world
[] easier for migrants to migrate to Britain and be aware of migration to Britain as an opportunity - growth = more trades brought to England
[] attractive to economic migrants - growth = increasing acceptance of and willingness to work with foreign people and different cultures
[] attractive to migrants as meant they would be relatively safe if they migrated
Why were the Irish forced to migrate to England in the mid 1800s ?
- most land owned by English Protestants (Irish = Catholic) who refused to industrialise
[] high rents for bad housing - widespread poverty in Ireland + resentment for the English landlords
[] lack of industrialisation meant that the main jobs were weaving linen + enlarging docks
@ meant were few jobs, most of which given to the English
@ increased Irish poverty
@ English factories were more efficient than the hand-done Irish versions, so trumped the market and made Irish rural industries collapse; hundreds out of work - 1845, blight (plant disease) destroyed 1/3 crop
[] 1846, blight destroyed all crop
[] Irish potato famine
[] British gov. exported grains/food out of Ireland believing would create money to help Irish; backfired
[] food prices rose, many couldn’t feed family or pay rent + were evicted by the English landowners - 1 million starved to death and 2 million forced to migrate to England
What were conditions like in English cities after the influx of Irish migrants and why ?
- usually had small populations and their facilities often couldn’t cope with such a sharp increase in population
- crowded houses
- quick spread of diseases such as cholera, tuberculosis, typhus etc. due to overcrowding
- many were extremely poor and this put strain on the support offered by the government
- poorer areas only had outside toilets
- no system for household rubbish disposal
- no proper drainage or sewage systems in poorer areas
[] waste dumped into rivers that often supplied drinking water - no running water inside homes; had to get from pumps outside
What is a navvy ?
- nickname for “navigator”; the job of digging out canals + building railways
- mostly done by the Irish immigrants in Britain
What were the main trades of Irish migrants ?
- navvies
[] low paid and dangerous work
[] many killed/injured, forcing wives + children into even greater poverty - army
[] by 1868, 55 000 Irish soldiers
Why were the English prejudiced against the Irish ?
- rife poverty meant many resorted to stealing food to get by; earned reputation as vagrants
- Irish workers often did jobs for much lower prices than the English, meaning they would get hired more often, causing resentment
- Protestantism vs Catholicism
- viewed the Irish’s Celtic ancestors as inferior to the English Anglo-Saxon ancestors
- influx of migrants in cities made poverty in general in these cities increase
- fear of Fenians (members of the Irish Republican Brotherhood (revolutionary organisation) responsible for violence against British authorities)
Who was George II ?
- Hanoverian king
- a German
- German migration to England rose a lot during his reign and most of these migrants worked as merchants, in the army or for the king
Why did Germans migrate to England in the mid-late 1800s ?
- avoid warfare between German states before uniting
- Greater freedom for political activists/liberals/socialists to express beliefs without fear of punishment
- British economic strength + freedom from gov. interference
[] Germans were skilled, so liked this
When did Germany unite into one country ?
When did Italy unite into one country ?
Why did Italians migrate to England in the mid-late 1800s ?
- avoid warfare between Italian states before uniting
- sought safety from severe outbreaks of typhus and cholera in Italy
- agricultural instability in Italy vs agricultural stability and prosperity in England
Describe the experiences of German migrants in England
- radical thinkers like Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels were free to publish their ideas (like Marx’s Das Kapital)
- engineers + scientists set up small successful companies
[] Ludwig Mond = research chemist who set up leading alkali manufacturing company in the country in Liverpool
[] John Merz = electrical engineer, co-founded supplier of electricity to north-east England
[] Paul Reuter set up successful news bureau - many other Germans set up smaller businesses like restaurants, cafes, pubs, butchers, bakers, brewers etc.
Describe the experiences of Italian migrants in England
- were farmers in Italy; had to find new trades in England
- many settled in Clerkenwell (nicknamed Little Italy)
[] English inhabitants didn’t like the Italians but did nothing because wasn’t worth the effort in their eyes - many worked as street musicians w/tame monkeys doing tricks
[] by 1881, 1000+ of these in Britain, many of whom = young boys forced into labour for work gangmasters - some did hard manual labour that the English didn’t want, like laying asphalt for roads
- some worked as tilemakers, ceramicsmakers, plasterworkers
[] traditional Italian trades - most made and sold ice cream from their own carts or larger, more successful ice cream parlours
- set up their own schools, hospitals, newspapers and shops once established in England