Anglo Saxon and Norman England: 2.2 Flashcards
The causes and outcomes of Anglo-Saxon resistance, 1068-71
Describe the key events of the rebellion of Edwin and Morcar in 1068 (with important dates)
- 1068; Edwin + Morcar fled from William’s court
[] shows that William didn’t completely trust Edwin and Morcar to obey him and thus kept them in his court - Edwin + Morcar joined other rebels including Edgar Aethling, Gospatric and Waltheof
[] massed a huge army - when William heard of this, led forced north and built castles as he went as a show of force
[] shows that William understood the intimidation of castles
[] quick reaction shows that William was a good leader and knew that he had to stamp out rebellion as fast as possible + expected rebellion due to loyal informants stationed around country - Edwin + Morcar surrendered to William when he had control of Warwick
[] showed that the castles worked to intimidate them
[] also showed that Edwin + Morcar understood William’s power + leadership - Anglo-Saxon rebels sent hostages to William in York and Northumbria as a show of peace
- Edgar Aethling fled to Scotland and was taken in by Malcolm III, where he began to rebuild his forces
Describe the main causes for Edwin and Morcar’s rebellion in 1068
- anger at William for reduction of earls’ power
[] reduced legal powers of the earls
[] reduced the sizes of earldoms in order to have better control - general Anglo-Saxon resentment of castles
[] constant reminder of Norman rule
[] forced Anglo-Saxon peasants to build them
[] had to clear Anglo-Saxon homes to make space for them, displacing many - Norman land-grabs
- William’s broken promise to Edwin to let him marry his daughter
[] would have given a lot of power, similarly to how the Godwinsons had power over Edward because he married Edith - anger at William’s heavy taxation of England
[] especially in the Danelaw, this was a HUGE problem - Odo and William FitzOsbern’s abuse of power in 1067
[] whilst away in Normandy to celebrate his victory in England, left his half-brother Odo and cousin FitzOsbern as regents
[] they went mad with power essentially
[] raped Anglo-Saxon women, robbed people of their lands and money
[] in the Anglo-Saxon chronicle, one monk author said that Odo was able to act like a “second king”
[] shows how much power William gave to his most loyal followers and those close to him (valued loyalty over popularity - this shows that William was wary of Anglo-Saxon rebellion and needed those in power on his side)
Discuss the outcomes of Edwin and Morcar’s revolt in 1068 and why the revolt failed
- the revolt collapsed after Edwin and Morcar surrendered to William
- Edwin and Morcar were again kept as guests at William’s court so they could be monitored more closely
- William’s show of force via castles convinced many rebels that rebellion is useless
[] William was not forced to compromise because of this - THE REBELS’ CAUSE WAS NOT UNITED
[] caused differences in fighting and conviction and weakened the overall forces
Why were the Marcher earls’ attacks into Wales significant ?
Welsh resented the Normans and so were likely to back Anglo-Saxon rebels if asked
Describe the key events of the rebellions in the North in 1069, starting with the death of Robert Cumin and ending with William paying off the Danes (include key dates)
- 31st January
[] Robert Cumin killed by Northumbrians on account of his destruction and pillage of Northumbrian villages with a large force - February
[] Northumbrian rebel uprising in York
[] Norman governor and lots of troops killed
[] Edgar Aethling and Scottish forces joined the uprising
[] William took a large force north and stopped the uprising
[] Edgar Aethling fled back to Scotland
[] William FitzOsbern made the new castellan in the new castle built in York - 13th April
[] William in Winchester for Easter
[] shows William’s seriousness about being seen as a legitimate king and thus having to go to traditional Anglo-Saxon kingly obligations like religious ceremonies and tours of the country - 8th September
[] large Viking force led by king Sweyn of Norway arrived
[] SIGNIFICANT: the Vikings must have thought William’s rule was weak, as large Viking forces only gathered when there was a high chance of success - 21st September
[] another uprising in York
[] Norman troops, whilst trying to put down the rebels, set fire to York; complete destruction
[] ~3000 Norman troops killed
[] both castles in York destroyed by the fire
[] the Vikings carried any plunder back to their nations
[] William took a force north to fight the rebels, but they scattered when he arrived - December
[] William paid the Vikings to go away
[] the Harrying of the North
Describe the reasons for the Harrying of the North, 1069
- Anglo-Saxon guerrilla warfare making it impossible to stamp out resistance
[] no way to tell who are rebels and who are innocent - murder of Robert Cumin + Norman troops
[] close to William
[] Norman murder unacceptable and a huge sign of rejection by the Anglo-Saxons - repeated rebellions in the north began to spark rebellions throughout the country
[] needed to make an example of the north to scare the country into submission - threat of Danish invasion
[] needed to show Vikings that William’s rule was not weak and he had control of his country - the north tended more to rebellion than the south of England due to the culture in the Danelaw
[] needed more violent, overt tactics
Describe the short-term impacts of the Harrying of the North, 1069
- 100 000 people died
[] most died of murder via Norman troops, starvation or freezing - livestock killed, crops burned and seeds destroyed
[] caused widespread famine - any remaining population of Northumbria tried to go to London
[] most died on the journey of exhaustion, starvation etc. - reported cannibalism
- reported mass selling into slavery in order to get food
[] forced submission to Normans, giving up ALL remaining power
Describe the long-term impacts of the Harrying of the North
- 80-150 000 less people in the north
- even 15 years after, most Northumbrian land classed as “wasteland” in the Domesday Book (meaning no significant economic or social activity)
[] no livestock, very few people - massacre meant that the strong Anglo-Danish alliance in the north had weakened and almost completely disappeared
- the land was salted, so no crops could be grown for many years after the Harrying
- the Pope massively criticised William and many began to see him as brutal and tyrannical
[] William spent the rest of his life in repentance and penitence for his actions - only one more uprising at Ely, then no more significant Anglo-Saxon rebellions for the rest of William’s reign
Describe the key events of the rebellion at Ely (1070-71)
- 1070
[] Hereward the Wake exiled before the Conquest and angry that William had seized and redistributed his land whilst he was gone
[] had been fighting a guerrilla war with other rebels in East Anglia
[] King Sweyn led massive Viking fleet to England and joined with these rebels - Anglo-Danish forces raided Peterborough Abbey
[] Hereward had wanted to protect the riches there from the Normans
[] the Vikings simply took the riches and abandoned Hereward instead - Hereward + his forces joined with Morcar’s forces and prepared to defend Ely from William
[] William bribed local monks to show him around using their local knowledge of the swampy territory that the Normans didn’t have and took control of Ely - Morcar imprisoned for the rest of his life, Hereward fled and was never heard of again
- William took Edwin (killed by his own men in 1071) and Morcar’s lands
- no further noteable Anglo-Saxon rebellions after 1071
Describe the key events of the rebellion at Ely (1070-71)
- 1070
[] Hereward the Wake exiled before the Conquest and angry that William had seized and redistributed his land whilst he was gone
[] had been fighting a guerrilla war with other rebels in East Anglia
[] King Sweyn led massive Viking fleet to England and joined with these rebels - Anglo-Danish forces raided Peterborough Abbey
[] Hereward had wanted to protect the riches there from the Normans
[] the Vikings simply took the riches and abandoned Hereward instead - Hereward + his forces joined with Morcar’s forces and prepared to defend Ely from William
[] William bribed local monks to show him around using their local knowledge of the swampy territory that the Normans didn’t have and took control of Ely - Morcar imprisoned for the rest of his life, Hereward fled and was never heard of again
- William took Edwin (killed by his own men in 1071) and Morcar’s lands
- no further noteable Anglo-Saxon rebellions after 1071
What were the threats that William had to deal with when establishing power in England, and how did he solve them ?
- Danish invasion threat
[] paid them to go away
[] thus, it was easier to defeat the rebels without Danish help - Anglo-Saxon guerrilla warfare
[] Harrying of the North
[] rapid shutdown of further unrest
[] replacing nearly all Anglo-Saxon aristocracy with Normans
[] thus had better control, and made it clear to William that he could not trust Anglo-Saxon leaders to stay loyal to him - discontent from Norman troops/followers about marching up and down the country, especially in winter
[] William had strong leadership
[] promised rewards
[] thus, took money from the Church, taxes and lands from the Anglo-Saxons to reward his army and pay for provisions etc. - Edgar Aethling as a more legitimate kingly rival
[] went to royal ceremonies, religious duties, took on most traditional kingly duties in England
[] pushed the narrative that God had let the Normans win because he had more faith in them than in Edgar
[] emphasised that he had the Pope’s backing during the Conquest
[] as such, the English supported him as king and were willing to fight for him against rebels