The Reformation Flashcards
What were the causes of the Reformation?
~Church abusing its power-
Selling of indulgences: Practice of selling religious pardon to get into Heaven, to raise money for the Pope
Simony: selling of church position
Absenteeism: A member of clergy not being available in the church
Nepotism: When members of the clergy appointed Church positions to family members
Pluralism: Members of clergy holding more than one church position
~Influences of the Renaissance
~Wealth of Church: tithes
What does Protestant mean?
Supporters of this desire for reform
How was Luthers Protestant Church different to the Catholic Church?
How to get into heaven
Bread and wine
The Bible
Decoration of Church buildings
What was the difference of Luthers Protestant Church to the Catholic Church in reference to sacraments ?
Protestant: 2, baptism and communion
Catholic: 7, Baptism, confession, First Communion, Confirmation, marriage, last rites or ordination
What was the difference of Luthers Protestant Church to the Catholic Church in reference to getting into heaven?
Protestant: Justification in faith alone- only faith in God could get you to heaven
Catholic: Must have faith in God, and perform good works like fasting and indulgences
What was the difference of Luthers Protestant Church to the Catholic Church in reference to bread and wine?
Protestant: Consubstantiation, bread and wine exist side by side with Jesus’s Body and blood
Catholic: Transubstantiation, Bread and wine become Jesus’s body and blood.
What was the difference of Luthers Protestant Church to the Catholic Church in reference to the bible?
Protestant: Bible is the only source of guidance for Christians and be written in Vernacular to allow people to interpret the Bible easily and understandably
Catholic: Bible should be written in Latin
How was a Papal bull important in the Reformation?
Papal Bull was sent by Pope Leo X to Martin Luther, threatening excommunication after Luther wrote the ninety-five theses
How was a Heresy important in the Reformation?
Luther was to be arrested and punished for heresy according to the Edict of Worms
How was a Diet of worms important in the Reformation?
It was held in 1521, concerning Luther’s sermons and pamphlets against the Pope
How was a edict of worms important in the Reformation?
It was issued by Charles V after the Diet, stating Luther as an outlaw
When was the Reformation?
1500 - 1700
What was the role of the Printing Press in the Reformation?
The Printing Press allowed the Bible to be translated into the Vernacular in a quick, inexpensive way
Name other reformers who established Protestant Churches in their countries
Switzerland: Ulrich Zwingli
Scotland: John Knox
England: King Henry VIII
What were the consequences of the Reformation?
~Wars between Catholics and Protestants were seen in many countries such as France, England and Germany
~Increase in education levels occurred all over Europe as Catholics believed people only followed the reformers as they did not understand their fate.
However, Protestants wanted everyone to be able to read to understand the Bible
~Protestant Churches became simple and plain as they believed the decoration of Churches was a distraction to the Bible.
Catholics on the other hand continued to lavishly decorate their Churches to celebrate their fate
What was the Counter Reformation?
It was several approaches made by the Catholic Church in an attempt to force or persuade people to stay in the Church
What were 3 changes brought by the Council Of Trent?
~Simony, pluralism, nepotism, absenteeism and sale of indulgences were all banned
~Published a list of books that Catholics were forbidden to read (Index of Prohibited Books)
~Strict rules and Punishments were put in place for priests who broke the rules
Who was Ignatius of Loyola and what was his contribution to the Counter Reformation?
He was the founder of the Jesuits.
Due to his army-like-order many people were introduced to Catholicism in South America and Asia.
Many schools were also set up to educate the sons of noble or wealthy families
Who was the Court of Inquisition?
A group set up to arrest, try and punish anyone who they thought was a threat to Church teachings
What was Auto de Fé?
People found guilty of heresy could be burned at the stake
What was Sanbenito?
A yellow cloak worn as punishment
What was the argument that Luther wrote and where did he put it?
Name several things he wrote in this?
Ninety-Five Theses
Nailed it to the Church door
~Bible is only guidance for Christians
~Clergy allowed to marry
3 things that happened in Counter-Reformation?
-Courts of Inquisistion
-New religious orders (Ignatius Loyola)
-Council of Trent