Ireland between 1911-1922 Flashcards
Name the 3 political parties and organisation in Ireland in 1910
⇒Constitutional Nationalists
⇒Extreme/Radical Nationalists
Describe how a law would be made in Westminster court
The House of Commons would suggest a law and the House of Lords can accept or veto the law
What was the Parliament Act of 1911?
It stated that the House of Lords could only veto a law for 2 years, but on the third year the law would pass, despite the Lords decision.
What was the Third Home Rule Bill of 1912?
A bill that declared Ireland would have its own parliament in Dublin to deal with internal affairs but Britain would still rule over Ireland. It was meant to become law in 1914
What was the saying Unionists said about Home Rule? What did it mean?
“Home Rule is Rome Rule”
meaning they felt that trade would be greatly effected if Home Rule became law.
What was the Unionists reaction to Home Rule? Why?
-They organised protests
-They made the Ulster Solemn League and Covenant
-They held the Larne gun-running
-They formed a paramilitary force called the Ulster Volunteer force
They did this as they believed the government would not enforce Home Rule if opposition was strong enough.
What was the Ulster Solemn League and Covenant?
A declaration that stated that Unionists would ‘use all means to defend the present conspiracy to set up a Home Rule Parliament in Ireland’. It was signed by over 200,000 men on 28 September 1912. Roughly 250,000 women signed a similar, separate declaration.
What is a paramilitary force?
an unofficial military-style organisation of amateur soldiers
What was the Nationalists reaction to Unionist opposition?
-Eoin MacNeill wrote in a November 1913 article that the Nationalists should follow the Unionists example by forming their own paramilitary force and pressuring the British government to make sure Home Rule did happen
-They founded the Irish Volunteer Force
-They held the Howth gun-running
The Larne gun-running:
-How many?
-From Germany
-35,000 guns and five million rounds of ammunition
-April 1914
Irish Volunteer Force:
-Who was chief of staff?
-How many?
-November 1913
-The Rotunda, Dublin
-Eoin MacNeill
-By 1914, there was nearly 100,000 members
Howth gun-running:
-How many?
-What was the ship called?
-From Germany
-900 rifles, 25,000 rounds of ammunition
-July 1914
-The Asgard
When did Britain declare war on Germany? (WWII)
4 August 1914
Why was Home Rule suspended in 1914?
Due to the war
Speech in Woodenbridge, Co. Wicklow:
-What was the speech about?
-John Redmond made the speech to the IVF members
-He asked the IVF members to join the British army
-He hoped it would benefit Ireland and increase their chance of getting Home Rule, once the war was over
Why did the IVF split? Explain
-John Redmond wanted the IVF to join the British army but Eoin MacNeill wanted the IVF to stay in Ireland.
-175,000 agreed with Redmond, they were re-named the National Volunteers
-11,000 disagreed and were led by Eoin MacNeill, they remained the Irish Volunteers
When was the UVF formed?
January 1913
How many Irishmen fought for Britain in WWI?
Roughly 250,000
Around how many Irishmen died in WWI?
30,000 to 50,000