The Anglo-Irish Treaty Flashcards
Who did the irish delegation include?
Arthur Griffith, Micael Collins,Robert Barton, Éamonn Duggan and George Cavan Duffy
(who eventually accepted the deal without notifying de valera)
Why did De Valera not go to London with the Irish delegation?
He wanted information to be brought back to him before any decisions were made. He also wanted to be in Irl. to deal with groups like the IRA.
Who did the British delegation include?
Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, Austin Chamberlain and Lord Birkenhead.
(very experienced as they had negotiated treaty of Versailles at end of WW1)
How long did negotiations last?
Two months ( oct - dec 1921 )
What did the irish delegation want?
A republic - completely independent from Britain
no partition between the north and south.
What did the British delegation want?
Keep Ireland within the British Empire
Protect Ulster Unionists
What were the terms of the Anglo-Irish Treaty
-Ireland would be a dominion
_would have its own parliament but Britain would remain head of state.
-Ireland would be called ‘The Irish Free State’
-A governor-general would be the king’s representative
-All TDs would have to swear an oath of allegiance to the British Crown
-Britain would keep 3 naval ports - Cobh, Berehaven, Lough Swilly
-Northern Ireland would continue to stay in Britain (Government of Ireland Act 1920)
-Boundary commission set up to decide a border between north and south of Ireland.
What were main arguments of the pro treaty?
-A war could not be funded anymore
-The treaty was a stepping stone to full independence
-Treaty was an improvement on home rule
-Treaty guaranteed peace with Britain
What were the main arguments of the anti - treaty side
-Had not achieved the republic fought and died for
-Should have achieved better terms
-TDs shouldn’t have to swear an oath of allegiance to the Crown
-Left Ireland partitioned
When did the treaty debate end and what were the vote results?
7 Jan 1922 - Anglo - Irish treaty accepted 64 votes to 57
What were results of the traety being accepted?
DeValera resigned as president of the Dáil and Arthur Griffith was elected in his place.
A provisional government was set up
Who split from the Anglo-Irish treaty
-The Dáil
-Sinn féin
-General public
What was a dominion?
Self-governing country within the British Empire