Eu integration Flashcards
Leaders involved in Eu integration
-Adenauer - west Germany
-Schuman - France
-De Gasperi - Italy
Reasons for European integration
-LEGACY OF THE WAR- war had devastated Europe and killed millions (Learn from past mistakes and replace competition with co-operation)
-Bring FRANCE AND GERMANY- together to prevent future conflict
-THE COLD WAR- considered essential that western countries work together to stop the spread of communism.
-ECONOMICS -Europe needed increased trade and co operation to rebuild after WW2. (Boost economies and improve living standards)
Steps to EU integration
-BENELUX Agreement
-Council of Europe
Benelux agreement
-Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemberg
-abolish all custom duties (tax) on imports and exports
-huge success - triple trade by 1957
-Organisation for European Economic Co-operation
-Set up by US to provide Marshall plan funds to Europe.
-Generate economic growth and improve living standards.
The council of Europe
-Leaders of Western European states met at Hague Congress (1948)
- set up council of Europe in Strasbourg 1949
- included 10 states
- promote common ideals and values
-further European unity
What did the council of Europe pass that was most important
-passed the ECHR- European Convention on Human Rights
-set up the ECtHR- European Court of Human Rights
What did the European Convention on Human Rights guarantee?
-Basic rights of all citizens in Europe
-free speech and media
-protection from torture or unfair trials.
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
-Formed by US, Canada and 10 western states
-military alliance against the soviet union
European coal and steel community
-most important step
How did the ecsc start
-To minimise potential threat of West Germany growing as a powerful state,
-Schuman put forward the Schuman plan in 1950
What was the Schuman plan
-Proposed that coal and steel industries of France and germany would be put together and shared resources.
-coal and steel were key for military production and would make war impossible
What did the Schuman Plan lead to
The treaty of Paris in 1951
What countries was the treaty of Paris signed by
-West Germany
-Benelux countries
What did the treaty of Paris set up
European coal and steel commmunity
What did the ECSC do
-Shared resources to prevent future conflict
-steel production and industrial production increased significantly
-First time states agreed to hand over some of their sovereignty
Country’s independence and power
What was the Treaty of Rome
-Belgium, Netherlands, France, Luxemberg, Germany, Italy
-European Economic community came into being
European Economic Community
-1 January 1958
-seek closer conomic co-operation and trade
3 Core aims of the EEC
-Promote economic activity
-raise living standards
- forge an even closer union among people in Europe.
When did iRELAND JOIN tHE eu
Success of EU
-Peace achieve
-prosperity in Europe increased
-Largest trading bloc
-social funding to Poorer countries
- workers have better protections and rights
Problems of EU
-Many feel they have moved away from people and lack democracy
-losing unique identities
-many feel they are forced to do things against their will
-failed to develop common foreign policy
What is the impact of the eu on ireland
-Irish business have access to a huge market (over 510 million people) and trade increased
-Irish citizens can move, work and live in any member state
-1973-2015 Irish farmers received 54 million euro from CAP (common agricultural policy)
-EU helped foster PEACE in Northern Ireland (financial support in cross border programme)
-EU LAWS- equal pay for men and women and rights for consumer safety.