The Pharmacy - Signage Flashcards
Sign Requirement for Counseling?
Every Iowa pharmacy that is open to the public must display in drive-thru/pick-up area that Iowa law requires pharmacist counseling that are new or a change in drug therapy.
Sign Requirement for Hours?
* Site shall also prominently post day sand times telepharmacy is open for business
Sign Requirement for PIC Change?
Not Specified
Sign Requirement for Closures?
Within 10 Days of Closure:
* All signs identifying the closed location as a pharmacy must be removed/covered.
Other Signage Requirements?
* Signage shall include name, location, and telephone number of the managing pharmacy. Inform the public if the location is a telepharmacy site supervised by pharmacist at a remote location.
Display of Pharmacist License:
* During any period a each pharmacist is working in a pharmacy they must display their original Iowa license in view of the public.
* A current license renewal certificate, which may be a photocopy or original renewal certificate, shall be displayed with the original license.