The Nervous System Flashcards
Why do organisms have to be aware of what’s happening around them?
It effects their chances of survival.
Which two systems co-ordinate an organisms activities?
- The Nervous System
- The Endocrine System
What does a nervous system allow for in relation to stimuli?
It allows for an organism to detect and respond to stimuli in its internal and external environment.
What is a stimulus?
It is any change in your environment.
What does the nervous system rely on and what are they carried by?
It relys on electrical signals and they are carried by neurons.
Name two stimuli.
- A flash of Light
- Noise
What is contained in the Central Nervous System (CNS)?
- The brain
- The spinal cord
What does the brain keep a track of?
The brain keeps a track of all activities and internal organs in the body.
Give an example of what the brain would keep in check.
The levels of CO2 and or H2O in the blood.
What is contained on the Periferal Nervous System (PNS)?
The PNS are the nerves branching from the CNS to all parts of the body.
What is a receptor?
A receptor is a nerve cell that detects the stimulus.
What is a neuron?
A neuron is a specialised cell that carries electrical impulses around the body.
What is an impulse?
An impulse is an electrical signal.
What does the cell body contain?
The cell body contains the nucleus and other organelles.
What does the cell body produce?
The cell body produces neurotransmitter chemicals.
What is a dendron?
A dendron is a small fibre that receives information and carries it towards the cell body.
What’s an axon?
An axon is a long fibre that conducts impulses away from the cell body.
What are dendrites?
Dendrites are small fibrous branches at the end of a dendron.
What do schwann cells do?
They wrap their fatty cell membranes around an axon.
What is it called when a schwann cells wrap around an axon?
A myelin sheath.
What does a myelin sheath do?
It insulates the neuron from electrical signals from other neurons.
What do sensory neurons do?
They carry messages from the sensory organ to the CNS.
What does an inter-neuron do?
It connects sensory and motor neurons together and so carries messages in the CNS.
What does a motor neuron do?
It carries the impulses from the CNS to the muscles and glands.