Definitions Flashcards
Abiotic factors
Abiotic factors are non-living factors.
Active immunity
Active immunity is the production of a person’s own antibodies in response to foreign antigens that enter the body.
Active site
The active site is the part of the enzyme that combines with the substrate.
Active transport
Active transport (in the form of ATP) is used to move molecules, often against a concentration gradient, i.e. from low to high concentrations.
An adaptation is any alteration that improves an organism’s chances of survival or preproduction.
Adhesion occurs when different molecules stick together.
Aerobic respiration
The controlled release of energy from food using oxygen.
Alleles are different (or alternative) forms of the same gene.
All or nothing law
The all or nothing law states that if the threshold is reached, an impulse is carried, but if the threshold is not reached, no impulse is carried.
Anabolic reactions
Anabolic reactions use energy to convert smaller molecules into larger molecules.
Anaerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration is the controlled release of energy from food without the use of oxygen.
Antagonistic pair
An antagonistic pair are two muscles that have opposite effects to each other.
Antibiotics are chemicals produced by micro-organisms that stop the growth of or kill, other micro-organisms without damaging human tissue.
An Antibody is a protein produced by white blood cells (called lymphocytes) in response to a specific antigen.
An antigen is a foreign molecule that stimulates the production of antibodies.
Appendicular skeleton
Ones appendicular skeleton is composed of the limbs (arms and legs), the pectoral girdle (shoulder) and the pelvic girdle (hip).
Artificial active immunity
Artificial active immunity occurs when a pathogen is medically introduced into the body (also known as a vaccination).
Artificial passive immunity
Artificial passive immunity occurs when a person is given an injection containing antibodies made by another organism.
Aseptic or Asepsis
Aseptic or Asepsis means that measures are taken to exclude unwanted micro-organisms.
Asexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction is a reproduction where only one parent is involved.
Autotrophic organism
An autotrophic organism is an organism which makes its own food.
Axial skeleton
The axial skeleton consists of the skull, spine, ribs and sternum.
Bacteriophage (or phage)
A bacteriophage (or phage) is a virus that infects bacteria.
Balanced diet
A balanced diet is a diet which contains all the necessary food types in the correct proportion.