The Nature of Molecules & The Property of Water (CH 2) Flashcards
How do you determine the Atomic Number?
-Same number of Protons
How do you determine Atomic Mass?
-Protons + Neutrons
What’s the Mass of each Subatomic Particle?
- Protons= 1 Dalton
- Neutrons= 1 Dalton
- Electrons= 1/1840 Daltons
What are Atoms?
-Interacting Subatomic Particles
What are Molecules?
-Interacting Atoms
What are Cells?
-Interacting Molecules
What are Organisms?
-Interacting cells
What is Special Relativity?
- ALL physical laws (including speed of light) MUST BE THE SAME to all observers
- Everything that we think of as “constant” MUST CHANGE= Length, mass, time
- EX; if distance appears longer to observer B than observer A , time must get longer in order for the speed of light to remain constant
What are Ions?
-Atoms where # of electrons is not equal to the # of protons
What is a Cation?
- Atoms where the # of protons is greater than the # for elections
- Atom with 1 electron in their outer shell will lose on electron easily= release a ton of energy
What is an Anion?
- Atoms where the # of elections are greater than the # of protons
- Atoms with 7 electrons in their outet shell will gain one easily & dangerously
What is an Isotope?
-Atoms of a single element that have different # of electrons
What are Radioactive Isotopes?
- Have constant decay rate
- Decay time= Half Life bc of the time it takes for 1/2 an atom to decay
- Makes good tracers/ tags to follow specific molecules progress of chemical reactions/living in cells or tissue
What are the 4 forces?
- Gravity
- Weak Nuclear Force
- Electromagnetism (between atoms & molecules= chemical bonds)
- Strong Nuclear Force
What are Hadrons?
- Heavy Particles
- Protons, neutrons, other
- NOT elementary bc made up of quarks
- 2 types= Bayrons & Mesons
What are the 2 Properties of Quarks?
- Mass of a proton/ neutron is 100x larger than mass of component quarks, neutrons= 1% while PE & KE is 99%
- Quarks can’t be separated from eachother= the more you pull them apart, the more they’re attracted to each other. They also don’t break up when you try to blow them apart
What is Energy Minimization?
- Total energy & PE of a system will ALWAYS go to the MINIMUM
- Releases energy via favorable reactions that occur but doesn’t gain energy via unfavorable reactions
How are Ionic Bonds formed?
- When ions of an opposite charge attract eachother
- It is an Energetic tendency
- Ionic compounds= crystalline solids (NaCl) ALWAYS form into cubes. Na Ion loses electron= Oxidation (+1), Cl gains electron= Reduction (-1)
What are Bosons?
- Elementary particle
- Carries fundemental forces
- Photons= mediate electromagnetism
- Gluons= mediate strong force
What is Quantum Mechanics?
- Interactions between matter & energy are discrete (quantized) & not continuous at a microscopic scale
- Have to add integer to energy NOT DECIMALS
How many Daltons are in a gram?
-6.02x10^23 daltons
What are the 3 Elementary particles?
- Quarks
- Leptons
- Bosons
What are Leptons?
- Lighter particles
- Have -1 charge
What are Quarks?
- Make up protons and neutrons
- Up Quark= charge of +2/3e
- Down Quark= charge of -1/3e
How are Chemical Bonds made?
-Electromagnetic forces between atoms & molecules
What is a Mol?
- Unit amount of a substance
- 1mol= 6.02x10^23 particles
- Conversion between atomic mass & grams
How big is the Nucleus of an atom?
- 100 fold SMALLER than electron shell
- If nucleus was a golf ball, an electron would be a mile away
What are Electron Orbitals?
- VOLUMES where an electron may be statistically located
- Only a max of 2 electrons allowed per orbital
- Filled from lowest to highest energy
- Filling of orbitals determine property & chemical reactivity
- S orbitals (left side)= Spherical vs L orbitals(right side) are elongated
- First row of Periodic table fills S orbital & then P orbital for outermost shell
What are Electron Shells?
- Energy levels= One or more orbitals that have the same energy
- Start with K=1 and so on
- Outer shell= Valience shell= most reactive & largely detemines chemistry
How do the rows with Langthinides and Actinides and Transition metals fill in Electron Orbitals?
- Fill in NON outermost shell= have less effect on relativity
- Filling D orbitals= 1 down of the most outermost shell
- Lang & Act fill F orbitals which are 2nd from outermost shell (6th row but is 4F)
What are Valience Electrons?
- Are at the outermost shell= Valience Shell
- Most acessible to other atoms & electromagnetic force
What can you tell from the Columns of the Periodic Table?
- Each is a group= have SAME # of electrons in outershell= similar chemical properties
- Columns w/ partially filled electron shells= reactive
- Next to last column on right= Electron that need to be added to complete shell
- Last column on left= shell that needs to lose electron
What two things are ALWAYS associated with eachother?
-Mass & energy!
What is Oxidation?
-Losing an electron to another atom
What is Reduction?
-Adding electron to atom’s orbital
Where is Methylene found?
-In the middle of molecules
What does water do?
-Spontaneously ionizes into H+ & OH- ions