Lecture Focus Questions; Cycles of Matter & Energy Flashcards
What are Autotrophs?
- They are capable of extracting their carbon from CO2
- They are also subdivided into Photoautotrophs & Chemolithoautotrophs
What are Heterotrophs?
- They get their carbon from organic compounds/ foods in their environment
- They are also subdivided into Photoheterotrophs & Chemoheterotrophs
What are Photoautotrophs?
-They extract energy from sunlight= photosynthesis
What are Chemolithoautotrophs
-They extract energy from the oxidation of organic compounds
What are Photoheterotrophs?
-They also get their energy from the sun
What are Chemoheterotrophs?
-They get their energy from consuming energy-rich reduced organic molecules
What is the energy flow in the biosphere?
-It is a one-way flow of energy= originates in the sun & ending up as energy loss to “waste heat”
What are Trophic Levels?
- They are the manifestation of different kinds of producers & consumers
- The energy levels are also inefficient= 10% of energy available passes through these levels while the 90% is used to keep the organisms at each level alive
What are Reservoirs?
-They are Abiotic sites that contain materials that are needed by biological systems
How does the movement from abiotic reservoirs to biotic compartments of the ecosystem occur?
-It occurs by incorporation into biological systems & is then returned abiotic when organisms die & are broken down into organic compounds by decomposers
What are the 3 types of Reservoirs?
- Water
- Air
- Sediment
What reservoir does H come from?
-It comes from H20= water reservoir
What reservoir does C come from?
- It comes from CO2= air reservoir
What reservoir does O come from?
-It can come from H2O or CO2= water or air reservoir
What reservoir does S and P come from?
-Sediment reservoir