The Muscular Skeletal System Flashcards
What is the Muscular skeletal system?
The skeletal includes all the bone in the body, from the cranium to the bones that make up the foot.
What dies the muscular skeletal system have?
They have all your bones in your body. Attached to the skeleton is your muscles (gluteus maximus) to join them together.
What are the reasons why muscle skeletal system is needed for sport?
Fir movement, stability, posture and protection
5 functions for the skeletal system?
Protection, storing minerals, blood cell production, joints for movement, muscle attachment.
How does protection help you in sport?
The skull protects the brain, the spine protects the spinal cord, the ribs protect the internal organs, including your heart. These bones act as cages around the body parts.
How does the muscle attachment benefit in sport?
The muscles you need in sport need to be strong to attach too. Bones provide the frame work, the muscles are attached by tendons and the bones act as anchors that muscles can pull on as they move.
Why are joints important in sports?
Where bones cone together to form joints. Joints let the body make a variety of movement.
How does red and white blood cells benefit you?
Some bones have hollow centres that hold bone marrows. Bien marrow make most of the cells of the blood, including red blood cells , white blood cells and platelets.
Bone marrow responds to your activity and condition to keep you in good shape.
What does bone marrow help?
Your bone marrow makes more blood cells if you have an infection it makes white blood cells.
What are long bones?
Long bones are bones that are longer than they are wide. They don’t have to be big. E.g finger bones (phalanges) along bone has a shaft plus 2 ends.
Whats is the vertebral column?
The vertebral column consists of 33 bones, or veribrae, which are divided into five groups.
Where are the five groups in the vertebral column ?
Seven in the cervical column Twelve in the chest or thoracic region Five in the lower back or lumbar region Five in the sacrum Four in the coccyx
Whats flexion?
Bending movement that decreases the angle between body parts.
Example of flexion?
Someone working out in gym bends their arms when doing a biceps curl.
Whats extension?
Straightening movement that increases angle between body parts.
Example of extension?
A swimmer swings the arm backwards in preparation for a racing dive.
Whats is adduction?
Movement fbaf pulls towards the midline of the body.
Example of adduction ?
A golfer on the tee swings the club town towards the ball.
Whats abduction ?
Movement that pulls away from the midline of the body.
Examples of abduction ?
A gymnast moves their arms out sideways at the shoulder when doing the ‘crucifix’.
Whats rotation ?
Movement around a single axis or pivot point.
Example of rotation ?
When a tennis player serves a ball.